Chapter 14: Broken

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I just looked at Yaya and Fang who were busy splashing at each other, to be honest... I can feel a little bit of jealousy too, I can feel something towards her since I kissed her when she was hypnotized, I just joined them and Gopal did join the splash too. We were busy laughing when we heard someone talked not far away from us.

Yaya's POV

"H-Hai guys.....", Ying said shyly while carrying her bean bag I just gave her

I looked at Ying and rubbed my eyes, I ran to her and embraced her tight, I can't believe that she's here

"Y-Yaya... I'M SORRY, I H-HOPE THAT I'M STILL Y-YOUR BESTFRIEND, I-I'm so sorry..", Ying cried and kneeled down infront of me

"Hey, don't do that, Ying..I'm sorry too", I said and comforted her, a drop of tear ran to my cheeks,tears of joy lah, I saw Boboiboy and Gopal walked near to us while Fang just wen't straight to the campsite and grabbed his towel

"I'm sorry Boboiboy...Gopal.....", Ying apologised and adjusted her glasses

"It's okay Ying, atleast you came back", Boboiboy said and smiled

"I'm sorry too Ying, how did ya come here? Did your parents know about this?", Gopal asked

"Yes..actually, I'm not getting arranged marriage!! My father denied the business proposal", Ying said happily that made me smile

"That's great", Gopal said and patted Ying's head

"Yaya! The sun is setting, do you want to watch it right?", Fang asked that made Ying to look at him

"Hi Fang...", Ying cheerly said, but fang didn't even gave a simple look at Ying, instead he waited for my reply

I want to be mad at Fang because he just ignored Ying, I know that he's mad at her because of the rejection, I know what he is feeling but, he went too far. And plus, we are still young, he's 14 and Ying is just 13, they can't handle a relationship yet. Duh, is he forgetting that? He's really an alien

"Heyoo! Still there?", Ying said while waving her hand on my face, I didn't noticed that

"Huh? What is it Ying?"

"I'm going at my house, i'll bring my tent, If you mind I'll join to your camping?", Ying asked

"Sure, Be careful and come back quickly", Gopal said in an elder's tone

"We will not have fun if you're not here Ying", Boboiboy said and put his arms around Ying's neck, well that made me a little bit jelly

"Hihihi, thanks Boboiboy", Ying chuckled and looked at me

"Woaw Yaya, You're wearing shorts now?", Ying cried

"Uhhhh, yea... I just want to wear this thing", I said and scratched my back

"Hihi ok, gotta go, I'll be right back!", Ying said and dashes away

"Be careful Ying!", Boboiboy shouted, making sure that Ying heard him

"I'll be right there", Gopal pointed. "I will just grill those fish and steak"

"Let me help you Gopal", The boy with dino orange cap said

"Uhmm Boboiboy?", I called




I just sighed when Boboiboy turned his back from me, why am I being like this? Am I jealous on what he did to Ying?. I sat on the sandy ground and watched the sun sets, alone and I'm busy thinking such things, I removed my hijab and let my hair flip with the breeze

"Woaw, nice hair Yaya", Fang said and sat beside me, I quickly put on my hijab when he stopped me."No, you're more beautiful without that thing on your head Yaya, I know you love your nationality, but can you just don't wear it just once?

" fine...", I sighed and put away my hijab
"Why did you ignored Ying earlier?", I seriously asked

"I just want space", Fang answered

"Well....I understand you, because you're an alien", I said then rolled my eyes

"Huh?", Fang gave me a confusing looks

"Fang, you're being serious all of a sudden, You took love very serious, give Ying a second's really true, she has a bit of feelings for you too. Arrghh! You two are so complicated, just...forget those things, the love thing thingy, duuhh..We are all still Young", I said and looked away

"Heh, since you wore that shorts, you learned how to use the "duhh" word", Fang teased me, his teasing face was followed by a serious one. "At least we're not yet complicated right?"

"Hey,H-huh?What do you mean? We didn't have an argument right?", I said then my sweat dropped

"Heh nevermind......Yaya?"


"I-I realized you're better than the nerdy shrimp I fell in love with", Fang said that made me speechless"

"Hehe..what do you mean Fang?"

Boboiboy's POV

I'm done helping Gopal grilling some steak and I decided to walk by and find Yaya, 'cuz I just snob her lately, I saw two figures near the seashore, It's Fang and Yaya. I tried to listen to their conversations, and it made me laugh, sad or mad. Woaww, Yaya took off her hijab for Fang, Woaw, when I asked her to take off that thing, she always deny. I feel like broken, seeing them together...makes my heart scatter into pieces, it's because I-I like her already.

Ying's POV

I was just walking on my way to the campsite when I passed by Fang and Yaya looking at each other and why on Earth she's not wearing her hijab?. I hid behind a palm tree where I can clearly hear their chit chats, my world stopped when I heard a word from Fang. "I realized YOU'RE BETTER THAN THE NERDY SHRIMP I FELL IN LOVE WITH", Nerdy shrimp? Is he talking about me?, hah..I understand what's out there, I moved from my place and I hold my tears when I bumped with someone.


"Ying?..a-are you okay?", Boboiboy asked me with his concerned looks,

"I-I'm fine", I answered and looked at Fang and Yaya, I can't hold back my tears anymore, so I let it go, like how will I let go Fang

"I know Ying, I feel you...cry it out", Boboiboy said and hug to comfort me, I continued to cry on his chest...well he let me to..



////////palm trees///////


Yaya's POV

Me and Fang were quietly gazing the stars and constellations when we heard someone murmuring not far from us. We tried to seek behind the Palm trees when we saw Boboiboy and Ying.......hugging each other

"That explains everything, I was right..", Fang said and looked at the ground.

"Uhh Fang, maybe there's another reason? There's nothing between that two..uhh maybe?", I said

"Yaya...We should love not fall in love because everything that falls gets BROKEN", Fang told me and he walked away, I knew it, He still have those feelings, but.. About my feelings... It brakes my heart into half

"I thought it would be us Boboiboy......", I whispered and followed Fang

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