New Student?!

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Your OC(s) walk into class, only for everyone to be in their seats. Aizawa began to talk: "Hello students. After assessing everything from the test yesterday, Recovery Girl and I decided to have a class medic. Meet Hunter. Or, as you probably know him, Hermes." Thomas immediately stood up. "Yo, dude! It's been so long!"
"Sup, Saut!" Hunter smiled. "So, um, uh. I'm a singer. You may have heard of me. And I'm your class medic. Just to prove I'm a singer, I've prepared this song."
Aizawa cut in. "That won't be necessa-"
"Meet the latest graduate of Med College, I probably shouldn't brag, but dag I amaze and astonish. The scholars say I got the same virtuosity and brains as my pops. The ladies say my brains not where the resemblance stops.  I'm only seventeen, but my mind is older, gotta me my own man, like my father but bolder, I shoulder his legacy with pride I used hear him say, that some day, I would blow us all away."

Name: Hunter Shezunji
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Family: Father (alive) Mother (alive) sister (alive)
Appearance: Copper skin, dark brown hair, dark brown eyes, a little less muscular than Thomas, peach fuzz
Love Interest: Kyoka Jiro
Backstory: He was born in France, though he developed an American accent, probably from all the English he spoke. He is a popular, nearly famous singer that has a tendency to sing when he feels passionate.
Personality: Slightly cocky, imagine Thomas' flirtieness, except better, usually nice, loves to sing
Fun Fact: He is the nephew of Recovery Girl.
Quirk: He can heal people by singing. He can choose which people his voice heals, as well. He can also use Recovery Girl's Quirk on a smaller scale.
Hero Name: Hermes
Hero Costume: Dark blue shirt with a Red Cross, Red metal pants with roller scates which can increase speed, head piece with a microphone that's hooked up to his speaker backpack, gun that focuses the sound waves he produces into vibration ammunition

Also, though I'd address the one rule: No sMuT. I really don't want this book removed. Take it to PM I guess. I don't know, text on tinder, I don't give a damn. Just don't do it on my book please (:

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