The date pt.2

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I feel so special no guy had ever went out of his way to make me smile. It's all of the little things pulling my chair out and  holding doors. I think I'm falling and it's way to soon I'm NOT going to let my guard to far...maybe just a little.

~you guys are seated and waiting for your food~

Prince: So...tell me about you

Y/n: What would you like to now?

Prince: Don't get offended but I want to know why you don't like your body

Y/n: Oh

Prince: I'm sorry that is a very personal question I shouldn't have put u on the spot.

Y/n: No it's OK. I'm glad that you Care. Well I've never been a size 2 . I have always been the thicker girl for as long as I can remember. And the way my body is now I just don't fit in with societies image of beautiful I'm just the fat black girl . People can be so mean to me Because of how I look I'm pretty in the face but my body to me is just not the way I want it to look.

~Y/n's thoughts ~ Oh my God I didn't mean to unload all of this on him. I probably sound fucking crazy.

Princetons POV

I don't see how she could think that. She is the most beautiful girl I've meant by far. I have a goal I am going to get this girl to love herself and me. it's going to take some work but she's worth it.

Prince: look forget society, you. are. beautiful. Your body is perfect in my opinion. Excuse my French but you have tits, ass, and a little bit of stomach.  It's nothing to worry about or stress over don't let the media and rude people get to you. You're me.

Princeton can see the tears in her eyes and immediately jumps up to hug Y/n.

Prince: *while hugging you* look I didn't mean to make you cry, I just want you to believe that you're a very attractive thick girl.

Y/n: *crying a little*  Nobody has ever tried to make me feel good about my body and it's just a touchy subject. Thank you for telling me.

Prince: *sitting back in his seat* It's not a problem love, I can help you believe in my words if you let me.

Just as Princeton was going to ask Y/n to be with him the waitress arrives with their food. He let's out a sigh of irritation and relief. Although he wants to be with Y/n he knows that she's going to want to take it slow.  Maybe it's a Good the thing that the waitress showed up.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2014 ⏰

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