honey bunches of oats

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addie uris bit the inside of her cheek as she watched her yearbook be passed around the room

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addie uris bit the inside of her cheek as she watched her yearbook be passed around the room. everyone in her last class of the day, historical literature, had wanted to sign it, so she'd suggested they all pass around their yearbooks.

someone's was placed on her desk and she quickly scribbled her name and "have a good summer" as well as a smiley face before passing it on. her yearbook landed on her desk just as the shrill bell rang, dismissing the students.

addie tossed her yearbook into her backpack and hurried out of her seat. "have a good summer addie!" beth caufield said to her.

addie smiled and waved, "you too beth. have a good summer ms. flint." she said to her teacher.

she was pushed out of the classroom by the mob of students and addie hurriedly headed to the front doors. she'd cleaned her lockers days ago, and all of her things were in her bag, so she went straight outside. addie saw her friend karly and hurried over to her.

"hey karly!" addie exclaimed.

karly looked over to addie and her face lit up. "addie! sign my yearbook." she said as she pulled hers out of her bag.

addie grabbed hers and switched with karly. she sighed her name as best as she could and added a heart and her home phone number.

"we have to hang out this summer." addie told her.

karly nodded in agreement, "definitely. when you're not watching your brother that is."

addie giggled and shifted her weight. "speaking of which, gotta walk him home. bye karly, call me!" addie called to her friend as she walked to the trash cans.

"oh yeah? try tickling your pickle for the first time." addie heard richie say as she approached.

addie scrunched up her nose. "richie, no one's ever going to date you if you say things like that." she told him.

richie smiled at addie, "thanks for the advice babe."

stan rolled his eyes, "don't call my sister babe that's disgusting."

"someone's gotta do it." richie replied with a shrug.

"so what do you guys wanna do tomorrow?" eddie asked, changing the topic.

"i start my training." richie replied as he pushed his glasses further up his nose.

"what training?" eddie asked with a look of confusion.

"street fighter." richie replied, as if the answer was obvious, making both uris kids roll their eyes in sync.

"is that how you wanna spend your summer? inside of an arcade?" eddie asked with an appalled sigh.

"beats spending it inside your mother! oh!" richie replied with a dorky grin. he raised his hand up for stan to high five, and stan only pulled it down, not even looking at richie.

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