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RECAP ---------------------                                                                                                                                                                    I glanced up to see a blonde boy with longish hair standing infront of me staring at me                             ---------------------

i went back to looking at the page sketching the set with a rough liniing.

just dont pay attention to him and he'll leave i told myself not wanting to talk to the gothish looking boy he had dirty blonde hair and was wearing jeans and a black veil brides shir.

(a/n im sorta changing my friends looks to suit the story so just so you no)

"hey beautiful" he speaks up you can hear the smirk in his voice as he speaks. i can't help but want to smack the smirk off his face. i close my sketch pad and put it in my bag i sling my bag over my shoulder about to walk away but he grabs my wrist spining me around to face him.

"did i say you could leave" he asks.

" i don't need your premission" i hiss snapping my hand out of his grip.

i glanced around shocked that no one looking they were all in their own worlds like we were invisable to them. he smirked down at me as i scowled up at him.

"your cute when your angry whats your name babe" he asks

"babe is a pig in a movie dont call me that" i scoff

He lifted his hand and picked up a piece of my hair 

"such a lovely colour but i think blue would be nicer babe remind me to take you to get that done soon" he smirks

"im not doing anything to my hair and your not taking me anywhere" i scowl

"we will go lots of places together babe" he smirks again

"dont call me babe" i scowl harder making him chuckle.

"your so beautiful and espeacially cute when you scowl" he chuckles becoming eye level with me his eyes were a crystal blue that sparkled when he smirked usually girls wud swoon at this but i just glared at him.

"such a deep brown" he whispers leaning closer he was soon so close i felt his breath on my lips "your so beautiful" he mumbles about to press his lips against mine when.

"KYLE WE NEED YOU ON SET" mr ryan shouts and he straightens up and turns towards the stage.

"we will contiue later if you want" he say looking back towards me giving me a smirk "or we could ditch" he say his smirk getting bigger.

"oh shut up" i scowl turning and walking away a thousand thoughts flying through my head but one stood out in big capitol block letters


hey so this is the new chapter i don't yayyyy i hope you like it cause it took half an hour of staring at a blank screen to write it with a small bit of help from my boyfriend The_Punk_Blonde02 .....so yeah if its short im sorry if its long than thank god but i seirously dont know  but around 450 words shud be ok for you guyses right? at least for now i'll start writing the next chapter asap i promise ily you guys

                                                                                                                                                    ~ district_lolers

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