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Chapter 1.

Dianas POV

I sat there and stared at it. It's steaming heat waves rushing off it. My family digging in I sat there listening to my brother going on about what happened at school. My brother is obsessed with his new boyfriend Harry. Yes that is right, he is gay but I love him. His name is Louis. My dad doesn't really listen to us because he is mostly drunk the whole time. He is an alcoholic and has betting problems.and my mum... well let's just say she is resting in heaven due to a car accident that was my dads fault as he was drunk when he was driving. I hate him for that. Oh yeah and my name is Diana. I am pretty fucked up to! So I get bullied, I only have one friend and I am anorexic. I developed anorexia after my mum died 3 years ago. It's horrible. And that's the reason I get bullied. The only people that keep me going are my best friend Niall and my brother Louis. They mean the world to me. I am sixteen so you can imagine the Agro I go through with the way I look. It's not easy but my doctor is helping me through it, slowly. He is called Liam. He is very nice and understanding. I have been seeing him weekly for check ups on my anorexia. I haven't really been improving...

The clock kept ticking and I kept staring at the food. Louis had cooked. Louis did understand my disorder but my dad didn't. Not at all. He teases me for it and says I looked like a twig. He hits me and doesn't care. About either of us. I picked up the fork and stabbed it into the chicken and leant it towards my mouth. I felt sick. I didn't want it. Not any of it. "I am gonna go for a walk." I said.

I stood up and stormed out. " silly girl, she can't put anything down our throat." my dad screamed at me, while laughing. I ignored his disgusting comment. I opened the front door and walked out quickly grabbing my pink jumper from the stairs. I didn't have time for my dad. I hated him.

I walked down the windy road to the park tears streaming down my face. I came to the park gate and no one was there. It was silent. I walked over and sat on one of the swings. I swung a bit while looking at me thin legs and feet just thinking. Suddenly I heard laughing and swearing. shit. It was them. Zayn Malik and his gang. Zayn is the bully. I hate him to. I stared I saw their dark figures coming around the corner of the bush and into the park. They all stopped and stared at me. Zayn new exactly who I was.

"Oh look it's Miss Twig". Zayn laughed.

All his gang laughed to. They all walked over to me. I was now feeling quite uncomfortable. They all made a circle around me.

"Skinny bitch!



I heard them calling me. I looked at the floor and started to cry a bit.

"Aww is the little girl crying?" One of Zayns gang members said. Zayn wasn't saying anything but was just standing there. But then he snapped out of it and started pushing me. I tried to get away but they wouldn't leave me alone. By now I think all my mascara had all come off.

Then I got a huge shove down to the floor. My hand got grazed and wet as I landed badly on it. They were all laughing as it started to pour with rain. The gang all started to drift away as it started to rain but Zayn stopped when the rest of his gang had gone on.

Zayns POV

My boys all started to run to my house as it started to pour with rain but I stopped to look at Diana. For some reason I felt bad. I didn't know why. I am the bad boy of Bradford. I shouldn't feel bad for some sad old hag. But I did. She was lying there on the floor starting to move now to get up. She looked weak and ready to snap. I don't know why she is so thin. She got up and saw me. She froze, her amazing green eyes staring at me. She was quite pretty but I didn't want to say anything. She started to back away and ran off in the opposite direction to me. I watched her legs run every once in a while checking to see if I was still there. I was temped to go after her but I didn't. I must contain myself I could go after that girl. I was so confused. I hated her then liked her. I must make my thoughts all to HATE.

Diana's POV

I kept on running. Zayn stood there in his black hoodie looking at me. He obviously wanted to give me one more punch. I checked every so often to see if he was running after me but he wasn't. I carried on running until I bumped into someone.

"Ouch watc.."

I turned around to see Louis looking down at me. He smiled and saw my tears in my eyes. He didn't know about Zayn and his gang bulling me. But he did know them, and he hated them. Louis just assumed I was crying over dad, which I was but it was the gang as well. He hugged me tight and walked me back home. I don't want to tell Louis about zayn and the rest of the boys because I knew he would go mad as he hated their guts more than I did witch was a lot.. Louis walked me back home hugging my honey back and we walked. My hair was dripping onto the ground. I counted the drips coming off my hair as I thought about zayn.

"Diana!" I snapped out of my thoughts to hear Louis calling me inside the house. I walked in a took my wet navy converse off. I walked into the kitchen passing the siting room where my dad had passed out on the sofa. I grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and went to sit in my room. I layed down on my broken bed and grabbed my phone from under my pillow. I had 2 missed calls from Niall and one text from my doctor Liam. I swiped my phone to call Niall. it didn't even beep once where I then heard Nialls soft Irish accent. "hey kitten" Niall called me that. I smiled at said hey my voice still a bit wobberly from where I had when I had been crying.

"Are you ok darling?"

I started to cry again and Niall then said "right I am on my way to pick you up, you are staying round mine tonight". he then hung up on me. I quickly packed a bag for Nialls and popped my head around Louis door to tell him I was staying round Nialls. The door knocked and I quickly ran out the door. I jumped in his car and before staring the engine he looked at me and said.

"Come here kitten".

I cried into him as he wrapped his arms around me.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2014 ⏰

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