The test

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Thomas pov

I stir awake feeling a wave of nausea come over me. I stayed in bed trying to go back to sleep but my stomach was hurting so much. After five minute of staying in bed I instinctively rush out of bed and run towards the bathroom feeling a rush of warm saliva in coat his mouth. I could feel vomit rushing to my throat threatening to spill out. I knelt down hunching over the bathroom toilet pulling my hair back in a ponytail. Five minutes of vomiting later the pain stopped. This morning routine of morning sickness is normal for me at this point since it's been happening for four weeks. Today was the day that I promised Lafayette I would go to a drug store to get a pregnancy test with him and take the pregnancy test. Because ever since i told him about my morning sickness I've been having for a couple of weeks he's been adamant about me being pregnant. So I decided I would just go to the store with him pick up some pregnancy tests and take them to show him that I'm not pregnant. Once I got dressed I headed to Lafayettes house, he shares a house with John Laurens, Hercules Mulligan, and none other than the person that Lafayette thinks got me pregnant motherfucking Alexander Hamilton.the closer I got to the house my stomach got more uneasy than it already was. I don't know why I was so nervous i know I'm not pregnant I'm probably just sick. Especially since the only person I've had sex with recently was Alex and I'm pretty sure the gods don't hate me so much that they would curse me with caring Alexanders child. I was also on birth control at the time we had sex. Once i arrived at the house I put on my 'I'm better than everyone else' attitude. I knock on the door in a certain rhythm me and Lafayette made up so we would know who it was immediately just by the knock. As I leaned on the doorway and crossed my arms I could hear feet walking towards the door. The door soon opens to John standing in the middle of the doorway still in his pajamas. "Oh!' John said with a surprised expression on his face."What do you want?" He said putting his arm behind his head awkwardly. "I'm here for Lafayette we had plans today, is he here?" I asked in a stern voice. Part of me was hoping he would say that he wasn't home but the other part of me just wanted him to come outside so we could leave and get this whole thing over with. "Uhh...yeah he's here he's just getting dressed or whatever." John replied but his words were fast and jumbled up with each other; it wasn't too bad to were you couldn't understand him but he was clearly nervous. I nodded and was about to turn around when john grabs me on the shoulder and gestures me to come inside "you can come inside and wait for Lafayette in the living room if you want." He said still clearly nervous but he was trying his best not to show it. As soon as i walk in the smell of what I could only describe as 'if AXE decide to throw a frat party at one of their stores'. John closed the door behind me and lead me to the living room which was just a straight walk from the doorway. The kitchen was open and connected to the living room and the kitchen and living room were both pretty big for a rental house. "Well you can stay here a guess till Lafayette is done getting ready." I replied with a simple nod and okay. After that john left to his room I assume to go get dressed. I sat down on the soft couch almost immediately melting right into the softness. It felt way better than my designer couch that literally feels like a brick sometimes but I guess that's the price you pay for getting designer stuff. After two minutes of waiting I Heard a door opened which i assumed was Lafayette but when i turned to greet him I am meet with none other than motherfucking Hamilton himself. We both immediately stare each other down like we're about to murder each other. His face was in pure shock and almost a hint of annoyance. He was wearing his usual plain t-shirt, black skinny jeans, a jacket, and his usual ponytail. "What the hell are you doing here?!" Alex said more annoyed than shocked. I took a deep breath and pretty much sighed in frustration at the fact that this whole ordeal is Lafayettes fault 1) for not being ready on time 2) he was the one in the first place who wanted to do this stupid thing 3) is the reason why I'm here and 4) isn't Lafayettes fault it's more of 'its really awkward to see the person that you hate but the same person you also slept with a couple of weeks ago and the person that my friend thinks impregnated me' so yeah~ "I'm here because i have plans to go do something with Lafayette today and John said I could wait for him in the living yeah that's what I'm doing here." I said but before Alex could make a snarky remark almost as if on cue Lafayette comes walking out. Realizing the whole ordeal with Alex and me he quickly says 'hi' to me and he's goodbye to Alex. Once were outside i felt a wave of relief hit me. We got in my car and headed to the nearest drug store to grab the pregnancy tests. Once we got there we went straight to where the pregnancy test were. " so how many do you want to get and what kind." Laf asked I shrugged in reply. After a couple of seconds scanning the different pregnancy test I picked the one I liked the most and took three of them and threw them in the shopping basket I picked up on the way in. After we picked out the pregnancy test i went straight to the candy section of the store to get a Hershey's bar that I've been craving for awhile. Even tho Laf laughed when i got it and mocked me saying "Are you sure your not pregnant?". After we checked out we went to my place stopping once to get some fast food. When we got inside my house i head straight to my bathroom to take the pregnancy tests while Laf unpacked the food. I took all three and was waiting for them to develop the results when the timer signifying that the test had the results ready went off. I called Lafayette over to tell me the results because i was too nervous to look at them myself. Laf came up to me holding two out of the three pregnancy in one of his hand both of them facing him and in the other he was holding the pregnancy test box reading to see what the results were. "Well what is it?" I ask surprisingly anxious. "It's positive."


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