Thirteen Reasons Why (Part 1)

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Trigger Warning: The following 10-15 chapters may contain bullying, swearing, sexual assult, abuse, depression, drug use, self harm, eating disorders, suicide attempts and suicidal thoughts

If you are suffering from any of these, please, please, please reach out and get help. Don't let anyone get you down because ya'll are beautiful/handsom, funny, smart, and unique in your own way. I know you're scared to ask for help, or tell anyone, as I have been there myself, but, once you get help, it gets better, I promise. I know it doesn't feel like it, but it does.

I'm here if you need to talk~



(Male x Female)

THE room was quiet, a sad vibe echoing through the air as the principal, Kim Jungsik, stood at the podeum. Jeon Jungguk breathed heavily, staring at the ground, not wanting to hear the news again. He didn't want the reminder. He didn't want the grief. He didn't want the regret. Next to him was Kim Taehyung. He was looking straight ahead, no emotion visible on his features. He didn't know how to feel. The memories flashed before him, regret and sadness flaring within him. He gulped.

"Today," The speakers blared, Mr Kims' voice echoing through the room, "I have called you all here to adress the information I have recived about Song Y/N"

Jungkook wished it was a dream. He wished that he could hit his head against the wall until the nightmare ended. He wanted to wake up at the studio, laying on the bench, drenched in water as you leaned over him with a smug, yet adorable, look on your face.

But he wouldn't. He wouldn't see that. He'll never see it again, and, it was all his fault.

"Her death was a tragic loss to the community, and it was very unexpexted" Jungkook could hear a scoff come from behind him. He shuffled in his seat slightly, peering behind him to spot the cuplrit. He found Jung Hoseok.

Hoseok glared up at the principal, hating the words flying from his mouth. They were all cliche, rehuresed. They would be said if anyone at the school passed, and it annoyed him to a large extent.

Hoseok's eyes fell on Jungkook, and he offered a weak smile. Jungkook didn't react. Hoseok studied him, and he could instatly tell from the the dark bags under his eyes, and the sad, lost look in his eyes, that he hadn't slept properly lately.

Jungkook turned back, facing the podeum, tears threatening to fall. He just wanted her back. He'd do anything and everything to at least say goodbye. To at least apologise. With a sigh, Jungkooks head lulled back as he softly sniffed, remembering when he left you. When he stomped away. All because of his childishness. It was all his fault.


Yo, it's ya boi, skinny penis.

I started with a short ass chapter cause why tf not? Anyways, I hope you enjoyed dis thingy mah bob!

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