Thirteen Reasons Why (Part 2)

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QUOTE: "I think I'm losing myself"

TAPES. You had left behind many upsetting things, but the tapes where devestating. It tore everyone to pieces as they heard your pain. But, no one was as effected as Jungkook. He knew, just by the tone in your voice, you had given up. He HATED himself for not noticing earlier.

"Stupid," He muttered angrily to himself, "She was your bestfreind, how could you not notice?" He looked at his desk, noticing how the old wood was breaking, tiny cracks planted along it. It reminding him of you. Sniffing, his chestnut eyes fell upon the tapes you left. He had only listened to one, and it left him in a puddle of pain and agony. Picking up the first tape, he placed it in tape player, which, he had kinda borrowed from Yoongi. Taking a sharp breath, he grabbed his earphones, placing them in his ears. Jungkook moved his finger towards the button with the prominent white triangle on it, and then he pressed it. Seconds later, your voice was flowing out.

"Annyeong, It's me, Song Y/N. You all probably know me as the slutty loner, right?" You chuckled, the sound bland and unamused, "I know that you probably don't want to hear my voice again, but, I promise this will be one of the last times. I swear"

"These tapes are vitial. They give reasons as to why I did things I did, so listen carefully because this is first and last time I tell my story" Jungkook felt tears threatening to fall, linging his eyes. "I'll start at the start, shall I? Well, this all started when I was very young" Jungkooks mind drifted, imaging a small girl swinging high on a swing, her hair rising and falling with each swing, a beautiful string of laughs falling from her lips.

"My parent never really cared for me. They'd always put me last, no matter what" Another bland laugh came from the tape player, and Jungkook could see the tears in your eyes as you spoke. "You probably think that I'm trying to get your symapthy and pity, don't you? Well I'm not. This is how I lived daily, and it was hard" Jungkook slammed his hand down on the stop button, but before it stopped, a soft whisper flowed through his earphones, meeting his ears. "Please help me, I think I'm losing myself"

Finally, Jungkook allowed his tears to flow, each one rolling down his cheeks, eventually meeting his lap, leaving tear stains on his gray sweat. But he didn't care. He only cared about you. He let out whimpers, which soon became broken sobs filled with regret.

"Why am I so dumb," Jungkook spoke through his cries, "If you stayed with her, she might just be alive"

Without a sound, Jungkooks mother stood behind his door, listening to every word that spilt out her sons mouth, leaving her in tears. Turning on her heal, she hurried down the stairs, taking every two, not being able to handle her sons pain.

Downstairs, sat her husband, Jungkooks dad, who was waiting eagerly. Jungkook was never close with his dad for some reason. He had always been a mommys boy.

"How is he?" He waited for his wifes response, and through ragged breaths, she managed to squeeze out a reply.

"H-He's so hurt" She sniffed, "He thinks it's his fault" The man previously sitting on the couch, had got up, racing over to the woman to embrace her in a soft hug.

"We just have to be here for him, ok?" His wife nodded, her tears drying up, "He'll be ok soon"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2019 ⏰

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