First Morning

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" GoodMorning Honey !" Says A Nurse Smiling With A Breakfast Tray.

"They Removed Your Feeding Tube ! They Said You Could Eat Regularly Now ! Eat Up !"

"Okay. GoodMorning." I Try To Smile But I Cant.

"Feeling Any Better ?" Asks The Same Doctor I Saw Yesterday.

"A Little Bit. Not Much Though." I Answer

"Yeah We Got Some Tests That Might Give Us Some Answers Today."

"Oh Okay."

" At 11:00 Am Your Having An Ultra Sound."

"Okay." I say

"So You Dont Remember AnyThing About What Happened ? Or Who You Are ?"

"No But I Did Have A Dream Last Night , Could That Mean Anything ?"

"Well , Theres A Possibility." The Doctor Said

"Okay. So , I Was At This House In A Bed And I Heard A Strange Noise And Some Man But I Couldnt Get A Clear View.....And.....uhm......Thats All I Can Remember."

"Okay. Well , Thats Better Than Nothing !" The Doctor Said

"Hey Doctor. Can I Speak To You ?" An Police Woman Asked , I Read Her Name Tag It Said Officer Sandra Williams.

"Yes You May Officer Williams. Ill Be Back Sweetie." The Doctor Said

Doctors POV:

"Is This Really Necessary?" Officer Williams Asked

"Yes It Could Be Helpful But It Might Just Be A Dream." I Say

"Yeah But What Could A Man Have To Do With The Car accident?" Officer Williams Said

"A Big Brother , Uncle , Father." i suggested

"Yeah I Suppose , But Why Would A Family Member Like That Leave A Child In A Burning Car." Said Officer Williams.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh" We Heard A Scream.

Writers Note : What Happens Next ? vote And Comment To find Out!

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