The Hole Story

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Be excited for the real and truth hole story haha❤️

I's a big shock oh oh!

Btw ty for the votes :D

Go read it, it doesn't bite!

Destiny P.O.V.

"So yea this is the real hole story about him , me and his dad it's a long story so go sit down"


"Some couple of years ago his dad was dating a little my mom but the're were best-friends so yea and a month later he started doing weird and crazy out of his mind so at a night he was going to the club but i was waiting for him in-front of the door of the club i saw him and told to my bodyguards that they had to shoot on him..they did and we drives away looking like we didn't knew ed anything about it. So some days later his son David called by the police the someone killed his dad and he already tough that i did that i did but he wanted revenge for that and now he wants revenge on me,my mom and that why he kidnapped u. He knew ed that i had a relationship with you cause he watched on me all the time so yeah that's the hole story i think"

"Damn that's a hard story pf"

"yes it really it!"

"But what we gonna do?" i answer

"First, show me what he did to u"

i did my shirt out he and Pattie saw the big cut in a second.

"Its not bad" i said.

"Not bad?! not bad? its really bad oh god sweetie lets go to the police office"

"Mom keep calm alright!"


we all go in the car and go the police office.We walk in and stand in-front of the police sir.

"Hey police we wants to warn u for somebody"

"Who? David?"

"YES! Did u guys have arrested him?"

"Yup we did but wanted u to show me?"

I do my shirt a little higher and he sees the big scar.

"Oh god u need go to the doctor!"

"No its OK bad it hurt a little"

"O" said the cops "We will take it hard with him."

"OK um Sir want to tell u the hole story please"

"okay tell me"

While Justin tells the story to the cops i am listening the the convo with the cops and David,David keeps shouting to them.

What should i do? I just wanna go home and go in my warm soft bed.

I wanna lay in Justin's arm and just kiss his soft lips..This shouldn't even have to happen.

i felled asleep in the chair and some hours later the woke me up and brought me home i didn't could remember that i walk to my bed so i think Justin brought me upstairs and should had kissed me.i am so lucky with a boyfriend like that idk what i should do without him.

i woke up the next morning and made myself ready for to get something to drink at....Starbucks i think. I put my skinny jeans on a top with a jacked with high heels and my hair straight one of my favourite outfits.I drives to the store and was therein a moment i ordered a chocolate muffin and a Chocolate Cream i'm ADDICTED to CHOCOLATE idk what's wrong with but yes i am weird.

i looked around if there was somebody i know

'Oh my god isn't that.."

Wanna know it is?! 5 votes for more please!!

i love this making help me god

Follow my Twitter: JerrysWeed

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