16/5 - 14:30

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After touring a seemingly endless amount of similar looking tan buildings, Nick is glad to be back at the house. Eileen seemed to have a good time though, which was the point of the whole thing. Harry had actually seemed interested as well, which didn't surprise Nick, he always manages to find beauty in even the dullest of things.

It wasn't really Nick's scene though, and as hard as he tried, he couldn't find much that held his interest. So he'd kept himself entertained taking pictures of the two of them marveling over the architecture together, as well as posting a few teasing Instagram videos featuring only his mother of course.

Now the whole family is out relaxing by the pool. Nick had spent some time in the water at first, but he's currently splayed out on the deck, trying to gain a tan that won't turn into a burn a few hours later. It's most likely a futile attempt, his skin doesn't seem to like to darken naturally, but maybe the sun in Spain will be kinder to him than the one in London.

He's also using his position to survey Harry without being noticed. The younger man had gravitated toward Rose the second she'd made an appearance, and now he and his niece are in their own little bubble that Nick is loathe to interrupt, but that doesn't mean he can't observe them.

Nick thinks his heart might actually burst as he watches Harry play with Rose. She'd become smitten with him instantly of course, just like every other child he comes in contact with. She's currently sitting in his lap, playing what Nick thinks is Candy Crush on his phone which Harry had been holding for him while he'd taken a quick dip.

Harry's making himself as small as possible, curling around the young girl while she moves her fingers across the screen, squealing in delight when it produces a result. Nick wonders if he should get his blood pressure checked, he feels in danger of fainting with how happy he is currently, but honestly, even if this did end up hospitalizing him, he wouldn't miss it for the world.

Harry's face is the definition of content when Rose turns her gaze up toward his, the emotion resonating within Nick as well as he continues to observe them out of the corner of his eye. The fact that he can give Harry moments like this, that he's so comfortable with him and his family, that's something Nick could never have imagined when he first met the younger man.

They've come so far since that day, and as mad as he'd been for Harry then, he's so much more in love with him now. It should be impossible, but apparently his affection is boundless, and Harry finds new ways to remind Nick of how far he's gone for him just by existing.

Nick is broken out of his embarrassingly sappy inner monologue when Rose begins crying. From what he can tell, it seems they'd run out of lives on their game, and she's not at all pleased with that fact. Harry's eyebrows draw together as he tries to comfort her, his ringed fingers resting on the crown of her head as he encourages her to play something else.

Rose isn't having it though, she's determined to pitch her fit regardless of Harry's soothing words. Nick's about to get up to go help him, although knowing his luck, he'll probably make it worse, but thankfully, Olivia appears just then.

"I'm sorry," Harry apologizes, his face falling as she gathers Rose into her arms with practiced ease.

"Oh hush, it's not your fault," Liv assures him. "It's time for her nap anyway, I'm surprised she didn't go off on you before now actually. Let me just put her down, you can spoil her more when she wakes up."

Harry blushes faintly as she walks away, his gaze following Rose for a bit until he shifts around, his green eyes resting on Nick instead. He grins when Harry smiles at him, patting at the empty chair adjacent to him which Harry immediately decides to occupy now that Rose has left the area for the time being.

"Ah, now you remember I exist," Nick jests, nudging Harry gently with the edge of his leg when he continues to stare in the direction the baby went in. "She's fine by the way, you didn't do anything wrong," he adds on when he notices that Harry's forehead is still creased with distress.

"I know, I just hate when babies cry, I always feel so awful."

"Well you'll have to get over that if you want some of your own one day. From what I understand, babies cry quite often."

"Nicholas, is that your way of saying you want to have kids with me?" His gaze finally leaves Liv's retreating figure and locks onto Nick, a grin stretching across his face that Nick can feel his own features mirroring.

"Well, thought that was sort of obvious. You like kids, I like kids, we love each other. Seems natural that one day we'd get one," Nick shrugs. He's aware that there's a lot more planning that will have to go into it, but he does hope that eventually, he and Harry will be able to have a child of their own.

"I love you," Harry exhales happily, his eyes practically outshining the sun as he scoots closer to Nick. "I need to document this moment."

"With a selfie?" Nick giggles when Harry pulls out his phone.

"No, just a photo of you. You look amazing when you talk about having babies."

Nick laughs fondly at Harry's excitable nature, trying his best to smile for the camera even with the glare practically blinding him. "That good enough for you love? Bit bright for me, so I can't exactly open my eyes." He throws him a thumbs up for good measure, knowing he most likely looks atrocious, even if Harry'll never admit it.

"Perfect, you look amazing," Harry gushes. "I'm posting this."

"I should never have told you my passcode," Nick pretends to groan, not that he really minds. "Do at least try to sound like me this time. Your captions leave a lot to be desired."

"My captions are lovely, yours are the ones that need adjusting. Not every sentence has to end with an emoji you know?"

"No teasing me about my emojis or I'll take my phone back," Nick threatens lazily. He doesn't even try to move, he's much too comfortable where he is, but Harry still darts away like he's going to follow through on his word.

Nick lets him go, he'll be back soon enough anyway, he always is. Nick used to fear that one day he'd never return, that he'd leave him behind for bigger and better things, but he never did. And now look at them, discussing the future, and children for god sakes.

Nick bites down on his lip to contain his inner joy, not wanting to get too worked up over things that have yet to come. It's hard not to be excited though when he's got Harry Styles in his life discussing having kids with him. This still feels a bit like a dream that he never woke up from, and if it is, Nick prays that he'll continue to live in it for the rest of eternity since nothing could be better than this.

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