Chapter 3: The New Student

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It's Wednesday morning, time to get up for school-again.
What's the point? I should just be home schooled. I'll just be alone all day, like always.
And besides, Rachel is gone on vacation. So it's just me, and my workbook. I do my regular routine and leave my apartment. Once I get to school, I see my principal, Mr. Grundy, welcoming a new student.
New student? I think to myself.
I couldn't see the new students face, but the body looked what appeared to be a boy. 
I walk over to Mr. Grundy.
"Hey Mr. Grundy, who's the new-BOY,"
I saw the boys face, and I knew who he was. Justin.
"Kelsey, I'd like you to meet Justin. He is a transfer student from up north. Why don't you show him around," Mr. Grundy said.
This is bad. I know for sure that the dirty dozen are gonna tell him lies.
"Yes, I'll gladly show him around," I say with a fake smile on my face.
When we got in the building, we didn't speak. I only spoke when I had to, just for his guidance.
"What classes do you take? I'm just wondering," Justin asked with a grin on his face.
I didn't want to lie to him, so I gave him my class schedule.
"Math first period, health second," I went on.
He seemed happy for some reason.
"Why are you smiling?" I ask.
"You and I are in the same classes," he said.
Wow, we are alike. Did I actually find the one? 
I hesitate and laugh.
"Okay. Well if you're in all my classes, that means you're in Mrs. Jacobs art class. Don't make any eye contact with her, she hates new students," I joked.
He panicked.
"WHAT?! How am I supposed to ask questions? Or listen to her lessons?! I can't do any of that if-" I interrupted him.
"It was a joke Justin! She is actually really nice,"
He sighed with relief.
The bell rings, at least Justin's with me to witness the dirty dozen bullying me.
"Hey, wanna walk to class with me? It's okay if you don't want to," he asked.
I smile.
"I'd love to walk to class with you. I'll do anything to not be seen by the dirty dozen," I say.
Crap. Now he knows I'm a loser. He's gonna be embarrassed by me and never want to speak to me.
"Are the dirty dozen...bullies? If they are I'll gladly have a chat with them," he said.
Really? He would do that for me?
"Yes, those girls are bullies. But don't worry about talking to them, it's a waste of time," I explained.
We walk to class and take our seats. The whole time I was blushing, why wouldn't I be? He's so cute. During the math period I felt his arm touch my arm. I don't know, but it felt like I was safe.
"Hey, do you have a pencil? I forgot mine," he asked.
"Yeah, here you go," I give it to him, but while I gave it to him, our hands touched.
I see him blushing, and I blush too.
Is this what it's like to be happy?

After school, Justin and I walk home together. I invite him over for dinner, we're having spaghetti and meatballs.
"Yes please! That's my favourite," he said.
"Alright, well before dinner, would you like to study for our health test?" I ask.
He nodded his head with a smile.
He's so sweet. Everything about him is awesome.
While we were studying, I felt Justin touch my hand.
"Don't let anyone say what you aren't, you are so beautiful and kind," he said.
I smile and blush. I want to kiss him, but I don't think he wants to.
"Thanks Justin, that's really sweet. No one has ever said anything like that to me," I say.
We lean in to each other so close that our noses touch. I thought we were gonna kiss. But when we were just about to, my dad called down for dinner.
"Um, we should go downstairs," i suggested.
"Yeah..." he said.
It was silent during dinner. All I heard was forks and spoons scratching against each other.
"Wow, this is really good," Justin said.
"Thank you, it's my wife's recipe," dad said.
"Is your wife at work?" Justin asked.
"Sadly no. She passed away in a house fire. 3 months before giving birth to jasmine, my baby girl," dad said with a frown.
"They will always be remembered," I say.
"I'm so sorry for your loss, that's a sad tragedy," Justin said.
"They're both in a better place now," dad said.
After dinner, Justin had to leave. I walk him out the door to talk.
"So...about what happened." I said.
"It's okay, you didn't want to. It's alright," Justin said.
But I did want to kiss him! I lean over to him and hold his hand.
"I had a good day with you," I said.
"So did I, you're really cool," he said.
Finally he comes in closer to me and steals a kiss. When we unlock lips, we both smile and say, "goodbye."

It was the end of the day, time to go to bed.
I was so happy today, maybe tomorrow will be the same. Hopefully the dirty dozen stay out of my business.
It's just another night.
It was just a kiss, but maybe I wanna be in a relationship.
I have to tell Justin how I really feel before it's too late.

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