Chapter One

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~Izzy's Point~

I grinned as I walked with Lyla and Alex to Alex's car so we could head to school. "You excited Izzy?" Lyla asked and I nodded, "Obviously. You know how much I love school." She giggled, "True. You are like the only person besides myself that I know that loves school and counts down the days before it starts up again." I grinned, "Exactly. Come one before Alex gets mad again. We've made him mad enough over the summer." "You two do realize I can hear you right?" I squeaked softly, as did Lyla and we looked to see a grinning Alex, "And Izzy's right. Let's go." The two of us nodded and we got into his car to drive to school. "So what are you going to do if you don't have your favorite teacher, Lyla?" I asked and she shrugged, "I'd probably cry my life out. Mr. Navarro is awesome!" I laughed softly, "'Course you would." She grinned at me in the rearview mirror and i grinned back. We got to the school and I spotted Jasmine and Clement first, which caused me to go running towards them before Lyla could react. "Izzy! Lyla! About time you two got here!" Jasmine exclaimed as the two of us hugged and i laughed nervously, "I slept a little later than planned." Clement chuckled, "As usual." "What's new this year?" I pouted and the three laughed, making me soon join in as we walked into the school to get our schedules for the year. As soon as we got them, Lyla squealed, making me cover my ears, "Jeez. Not so loud chika." "I have a feeling she got Mr. Navarro this year." Clement said, bored, and the said girl elbowed him in the stomach, "Quit acting less surprised." "I can't help it. I don't like him as much as you do." I shot him a warning glance and he realized what he was saying, "I-I didn't mean it like that, I swear!" I shook my head and Lyla sighed, "It's fine. Come on don't wanna be late on the first day back at school. Especially if you don't want this one," Lyla pointed at me, making me grin. "Especially if you don't want this one to be mad at you for making her miss out." I nodded, "Couldn't have said it better myself." The four of us linked arms, Wizard of Oz style, and skipped to our homeroom, which obviously we have together. We got to the room laughing and I spotted New Kid in the front near the teacher's desk. "Hey guys. Look we have a new kid." Lyla peered over my shoulder and nodded, "Yeah. Wonder where he came from." "Obviously another school." Jasmine said. "Or homeschooled. There's that too." I shuddered at the thought, "I would not be able to stand homeschooling. I wouldn't have met you guys if my mom actually decided to homeschool me. Yuck."  My friends chuckled at me and I grinned as we walked into the room and took a seat.


I walked with my friends to the lunch room and spotted the male from earlier. "Hey isn't that Henri?" I nodded, "New kid? Yeah. Let's go sit with him?" Lyla looked at the other two and they shrugged, "If you want to you can. I feel like I know him from somewhere, so I'll be figuring that out." Jasmine said and i nodded, "'Kay. See you guys afterwards then." They nodded and we walked our separate ways. I inhaled softly as i walked towards Henri, who looked at something on his phone. So into it like the desk. Wonder whats's up. I thought as i got closer, "Henri?" he jolted up before looking at me, looking very surprised. I don't blame him. Nobody is even sitting with him. "Can I sit with you?" He blinked and nodded, "Sure." I smiled and sat across the table from him, "How's your first day?" He shrugged, "Fine. I take it you are in my class? Since you know my name." I nodded, "Yeah. I sit in the middle row." Henri nodded, "Isabella right?" "Izzy actually. Or at least that's what my friends call me." He nodded with a slight smile, "I see. Mind if I call you that?" I shook my head, "Not at all. It's nice making new friends, I can tell you that." "Agreed." I then took notice that he noting in the line of food in front of him. "Are you not hungry?" Slightly looking taken back by my question, he shook his head, "Don't got the funds for it yet." I smiled, "What do you want? I'll pay." His eyes grew slightly wide, "You don't need to do that." i stood up and took his hand to pull him up, "My treat." He sighed and smiled, "Fine." I grinned and pulled him to the line of other students before letting go of his hand, noticing the eyes on our hands. I cleared my throat, slightly blushing, "So....What looks good?" Henri looked at the food, "The pasta looks good. So does the salad." I nodded, "Is that what you want?" He nodded and I told the lunch lady what to get. She handed me the food as the blond haired male grabbed a drink and followed me to the end of the line to pay. "Here ya go, Henri. Enjoy." He smiled, "Thanks, Izzy." I shrugged, "Anything for a friend." He nodded and we sat back down. "So what kind of music do you like." 

Word count: 923 words

So what do you readers think? I am still getting through the scenes to go along the story so bear with me. 

Love you guys! 


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2018 ⏰

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