twenty six

162 11 2

Songs For This Chapter:
A Thousand Years - Christina Perri
Thinking Out Loud - Ed Sheeran
Photograph - Ed Sheeran
I Love You - Alex & Sierra
You and I - One Direction
18 - One Direction

l e x i
one year later

One year ago, I promised my best friend that I would marry him, the time has gone so fast. I guess it really is true, time flies when you're having fun.

I can't believe we're doing this today, and that everything is ready. The flowers, the cake, all preparations, which I thought was too much, but Harry disagreed saying he wanted us to have the perfect wedding, were finished just in time. I don't think he understands that just being with him will make it good enough for me. I don't need anything big, fancy, and expensive, I just need him.

I stand in the bathroom, getting ready for our big day. I told him the only way I would agree to him making the plans was if I could get myself ready, no stylist or anyone else. He didn't totally agree, so I told him that Grace would be with me so if I needed anything, I would at least have someone there. Except that she's late, she hasn't shown up yet. She was supposed to be here twenty minutes ago, and promised that she'd be on time. I hear a knock on the bathroom door and open it to see Grace.

"It's about time, where have you been!?"

"I'm sorry, there was a lot of traffic and I couldn't just speed through." She rolls her eyes at me. Normal Grace. "You look fine, why am I even here?"

"Harry didn't exactly like the idea of me getting ready alone, so I told him you'd be with me."

"Why didn't you just say that someone would be with you and get ready alone?" She asks.

"Grace, I'm not going to lie to him. I promised him that you would be with me." I state and she doesn't ask about it again.

"So, do you need help with anything?"

"Can you get my dress out of the other room? It's hanging up on the door." She walks out of the bathroom and over to where the dress is.

"You make it so easy for short people to reach." I hear her mumble and I laugh softly.

"Sorry, I didn't want it in here because I didn't want to bump it and fall on the floor or get dirty."

"You're seriously worried about getting make up or something on it?"

"I'm going to return the favor and play 20 questions with you on your wedding day." I look over at her and grab the dress. "Thanks, can you stand out there so I can get changed into it? And I forgot to say, you look nice. Thank you for remembering to dress up for the occasion, I know you always seem to 'forget.'" I smirk and she laughs, walking out of the bathroom again. I close the door and take my clothes off. I slide the dress on and look in the mirror. I can't believe this day has finally come. I open the door and walk into the room Grace is sitting in.

"You think I look nice." She smiles. "I'm nothing compared to you."

"Oh, stop, you look beautiful. You'll look this nice on your wedding day too."

"That's if I ever get married." She sighs.

"Why wouldn't you?" I ask.

"If I can ever just settle down without someone ruining my relationship. I don't see Louis and I ever getting married, I just can't imagine him starting a family right now."

"I said the same thing about Harry, but he surprised me. I'm sure Louis will do the same." I smile and hug her. "We have to go, you should be walking with me down that isle in a few minutes." I made sure it was Grace to walk me, my parents have been traveling all around the world and who knows where they are now.

h a r r y

"Am I supposed to be this nervous?" I ask Louis, who's standing right next to me.

"Yeah, it's normal. Who isn't nervous on their wedding day? It's the beginning of the life you're spending together with the person you love." He says. I've already been spending my life with that person, but okay.

"I know but I don't think I've ever been this nervous in my whole life, and you know I'm never nervous about anything."

"I know, but you're not the only one. Soon, the two of you will happily be 'Mr. and Mrs. Styles.' You have nothing to worry about."

"What if she decides she's not ready? Or if I mess up and say something wrong, I always do that."

"Harry, I promise this will turn out well. Thank me for this later. Now shut up, she should be coming any minute." Great, I'm getting more nervous every minute. I see shadows under the door that she's standing behind, I've waited a whole year for this moment to finally come.

The door opens and I'm so thankful to see both Lexi and Grace standing there. They both look amazing, but I don't think I've ever seen anyone as beautiful as Lexi is. I can't believe what I'm seeing right now.

I don't think any other moment we've had or will have will compare to this. The closer she gets, the quicker my nerves start to calm. She finally reaches me and stands in front of me, unable to keep a smile off her face. She looks so beautiful, I never get tired of looking at her. I don't think I heard a word the priest said until it was time to say our vows. Surprisingly, I didn't mess up. Thank you, Louis.

Finally, the words I've been waiting for. We're now Mr. and Mrs. Styles. I can't hide the smile on my face as the priest says "you may now kiss the bride." We kiss, no other kisses we've shared will top this one, or so I hope.

"I love you, so much." I whisper, causing her smile to grow wider, which I didn't think was possible.

"I love you so much too." She squeezes my hand tightly. Time for all of us to walk down the isle, let's hope I don't trip.

"You look beautiful." I say and look over at her as we walk.

"Thank you." She smiles and looks back at me.

I don't think this day could go more perfect than it already has.

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