Being A Huge Dick;One

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Veronica Sawyer woke early on the first day of school. True, she never slept. She was always tired but sleep only came at 4am. So she just didn't sleep.
She put on her usual. Long pants, long shirt, an overcoat, and a hand knitted scarf. Her parents couldn't afford nice clothes, and Veronica used her allowance for bills and her phone. It was a surprise the government hadn't taken her away yet.
But that would not last for long.

Veronica's P.o.v.
The worst part of the day.
Normally I'd hide out in the bathroom, but today, it was different. I was in student council, and I had to show a new girl, Betty Finn, around. I could tell she and Martha would get along.
"This is the lunchroom?" Betty asked. I nodded.

"Yep. The hellish part of hell," I described.
I grabbed a lunch tray and Ram Sweeney punched it, knocking it to the grounded.
I whispered, to only Betty,"Ram Sweeney. This is his third year as linebacker but eighth year of being a huge dick!"

"What'd you say to me, skank?" Ram snarled, putting his face in mine. I felt my whole face go red and I stumbled back a bit.

"Uh....nothing," I mumbled, walking away and dragging Betty with me to go on the other half of the caf for food.
I took a salad and Betty grabbed a chicken sandwich. Which can get people sick.
I warned her earlier but I guess she'll have to learn the hard way.
I led her to mine and Martha's table, but Martha scared me, sending my tray flying. Near the Heather's table. Luckily, they weren't sitting there today.
I sighed. "Hey, Martha."

"Are we on for movie night? Betty can join!" Martha grinned, pushing her glasses back on her nose before they slipped.

"Yeah! What's the Jiffy Pop detail?" I laughed, hugging my diary to my chest.

"The Princess Bride! I bought it on DVD!" Martha told me.

"I love that movie!" Betty laughed. The two talked about The Princess Pride as we walked to our table. Kurt Kelly decided to stop us and slam into us, shoving us around, causing Betty to fall and Martha almost cry.

"Martha Dumptruck! Wide load!" Kurt howled.
"Honk!!!" Ram added. The two laughed.

"That's Kurt Kelly. Quarterback. He's the smartest guy on the football team," I informed Betty with a tinge of sarcasm in my voice. "Which is kinda like being the tallest dwarf."

"Alright, Ram! Punch it in!" Kurt told Ram. The two fist bumped.

I quickly stood and gathered all my courage.
"Hey! You! Uh, pick that shit up!" I yelled.

Kurt turned to me, growling. "You're actually talking to me, nerd?"

"My buddy Kurt here asked you a fucking question, skank," Ram told me, holding in laughs.

"Yes! Yes, I am, Kurt. What gives you the right to pick on my friend?" I shot back, before I lost all my courage.

The whole cafeteria went quiet. No one dared say a word. Not when a little greasy nobody was standing up to Kurt and Ram.
Or maybe it had been because the Heathers walked in. I won't ever find out.

"Because it's funny!" Kurt laughed.

"No, it isn't! You're a highschool has-been waiting to happen for a year!! You're going to be a gas station attendant soon!" I yelled back. Kurt grabbed onto my coat collar and I yelped.

"Kurt Kelly! Leave her the hell alone!" Heather Chandler snarled, stalking over.

Now, he yelped and let go. "Sorry, Heather," he and Ram mumbled, running off.

"You three alright?" Chandler asked us as Betty and I stood up and Martha fixed her glasses. (Betty did the same.)

"Yeah. Thanks," I replied. My two friends walked to their table as Chan ignored me and walked off.

I stared after her.
Why would a Heather save someone like me, a Veronica with friends named Betty and Martha? We're nerds, the scum of the school. I walked over to my table and heard Martha trying to tell which Heather was which.

"No, that's....," Martha groaned, rubbing her face tiredly. "Veronica, you try."

"Heather McNamara. Yellow. He dad is loaded. I mean, he does sell engagement rings.

Heather Duke. Green. No discernible personality. Although, her mom did pay for implants.

And then Heather Chandler. Red. She's the almighty. A mythic bitch," I explained.

"Wow. What about them as a group?" Betty asked, mesmerized by the Trio.

"They're solid teflon. Never bothered. Never harassed," Martha told her, mumbling in unhappiness.

"I'd give anything to be like that," I thought, stealing some of Martha's fries as Betty marveled at The Heathers. Next thing you know, Betty spilt her milk on me.
"Shit!" I cursed.

First day of senior year was going great.
"I'm so sorry, Veronica!" Betty apologized, her face going red.

"It's okay, Betty. I'm going to the restroom to clean up," I assured her, getting my stuff and making a getaway to the restroom.
The milk was all over my legs.
"Goddamn it," I cursed.

The Heathers sauntered in right as I finished cleaning up, thankfully. The milk was hardly noticeable.

Duke immediately went into a stall and started vomiting.
"Did you hear what Jessica did?" Mac asked Chandler, reapplying her lipgloss.

"Of course I did, Mac, it's going to crucify her," Chan laughed coolly. "Grow up, Heather. Bulimia is so 2015."

"Sorry, Heather," Duke apologized. "I'm going to see a doctor soon." With that, she puked.

Then Ms. Flemming walked in.
"Heather, Heather, and Heather....and Veronica? You girls are late for class! Veronica, I expected more of you!" Ms. Flemming started chastising me for not being in class when I shoved a forged note into her hands.

"Actually, all of us are out on a hall pass. Not late," I told her, hoping it was good for her.

She handed it back. "Yearbook committee? I see....well, hurry up." And then the hippie guidance counselor left the bathroom.

Chandler ripped the note from my hands. "Excellent forgery, Veronica. Last name?" Chandler smirked.

"Oh, uh, Sawyer. I crave a boon," I replied, hurrying with what I saw saying. If I could forge, I could ruin them if they didn't give in.

"And what the hell kinda boon would that be?" Chandler snarled.

"Let me sit at your lunch table for a week, no talking. If Kurt and Ram think you three tolerate me, then maybe they'd shut up," I ordered. The three started to laugh. "I do forge other stuff, by the way. Keep in mind I could ruin you with this."

"You know, greasy nobody, you do have potential. And a good bone structure," Chan told me, titling her head with a smug smile.

"And a symmetrical face!" Mac added, cheerfully.

"But you could lose a few pounds," Duke told me.

Chan shot her a glare and Duke gave an apologetic look to her.

"Let's make you beautiful, 'Ronnie. Duke, hand me the extra clothes in my bag. Mac, hand me your makeup," Chan ordered.

Duke shoved blue clothes at me. Like the ones they were wearing. A short, grey skirt. High blue socks. Black shoes. A black tie.
Mac moved to my makeup. Blue.
Chan did my hair. She curled it so it puffed to my neck.

"Follow me, girls," Chan ordered. "Duke, Mac, then Ronnie."

So we went into study hall that order.

"Yo! Who's with the Heathers!" Kurt yelled.
"Someone!" A stoner girl wolf-whistled.
"A babe!" Ram corrected.
"Veronica?" Martha asked.
"VERONICA! VERONICA!" The study hall cheered.

God, it felt great. I hoped, I dreamed, I prayed! I finally got my way! I look like hell on wheels! I'm beautiful! Thanks to the Heathers, I'm no longer going to be scum of the school.
I'll be popular.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2019 ⏰

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