Welcome To Rosewood-Courtney Roads

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So, I have lived in Rosewood about my whole life. Since I was two. We moved away because there was a lot of drama, shootings, murderers, and a lake of dead bodies. I don't really remember much, because I was two, but mama hated that town. Another reason we left is because my parents were getting a divorce, and my dad was walking to his girlfriends house he got attacked and beat up and he lost so much blood that he died. I never really got to meet him, but mama said he was a good man with a bad personality. I remember that and always will. Anyways, things haven't really changed. Almost everything is the same. Everything but guns. They were not illegal in our old town (Mayberry) and almost everyone had them if you were 11 and up which about everyone was. In Rosewood, you kill with your knuckles, legs, and pocket knives. Really anything you could find around. Oh, and yes, there are still murders about every week. It's all a chain. There are 3 'bad guys' and they are all part of the Killer 49 squad. I don't even understand how all my friends have survived all these years. Killer 49 is definitely looking for us though. My name is Courtney. Courtney Roads. My friends and I go to Tuesday's: Shakes, Burgers, and Fries after school about everyday. My boyfriend and I share a large strawberry shake, while Blair and her boyfriend, Harry, share a chocolate and Carmel large shake. We go to Rosewood High.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2018 ⏰

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