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"What?" Debbie was shocked. "I thought I'd started showing a lot earlier than I did with my other two, but five and a half months? Are you sure?" She gasped with her hand over her mouth, asking for confirmation from the midwife.

"The scan shows you're twenty two weeks along." Her midwife kindly smiled at her.

Debbie lay her head back, thinking. Grabbing her phone out of her pocket as the midwife left the room, she desperately called her Dad, Cain, over and over. He finally answered, "cancel them beating up Joe, NOW, Dad." She demanded.

"I can't, Debs. It's too late." She could hear terror and upset in his voice. "They've done it, but they got the wrong person. And they didn't just beat him up. They threw acid in Ross' face." Cain informed her. Seconds seemed to pass as if they were hours. "Debbie?" Cain's voice came from the other end of the phone. "He's in hospital now, Moira and Pete are in there with him. He's gonna be ok, but he'll have a lot of scars. You can never mention this to anyone, Debs. Swear to me."

Debbie nodded. "I swear." She hung up, the midwife coming back into the room. "Are they pictures of the scan?" She asked.

"Yes, also, would you like to know the sex of the baby?" The midwife asked her.

Debbie shook her head. "No, I want it to be a surprise. With my little boy and girl, I found out. This ones different." She grimly smiled, a bittersweet moment, unable to get Ross out of her mind. She wanted to go to the ward where he was being treated, but she couldn't. Instead, she ran out of the hospital and drove as quickly as she could to the pub. "Chas, where are the kids?"

"Out the back, love." Debbie rushed through to the back.

"Sarah, go upstairs and pack a bag, one for you and one for jack. As quickly as you can, please." She ordered her daughter.

"Why?" Sarah questioned.

"Because, we're going to visit your Dad. In Spain." Debbie smiled, seeing her daughters face light up as she sprinted upstairs. Debbie followed, both of them with packed bags in a matter of ten minutes. Debbie bundled Jack into his car seat, strapping him in. Sarah hopped in the front with Debbie, who sped off.

"Mum, Joe's following you." Sarah kept looking behind her. On a country road heading towards the airport, Debbie pulled over.

She got out the car. "What do you want?"

"I love you!" He pleaded with her.

Debbie sunk her hand into her jacket pocket, pulling out one of the scan print outs the midwife had given her. "I'm coming back, Joe. I've done something so stupid," tears fell down Debbie's cheeks, "have this," she handed him the scan, "I'm taking Sarah and Jack to see their Dad, Andy, for a little while. To get away from any stress that could affect this baby. To give it the best chance in life that's humanly possible."

"Whatever you've done, I can fix it." Joe offered, just wanting her to stay.

She shook her head. "The kids haven't seen their Dad in two years. They need this. And I need some sun." She chuckled slightly. "I paid someone to beat you up. Just rough you about a bit. To show you. Before I told you about the baby, that I kept it. Only, they got Ross instead. They threw acid in his face, it wasn't what I wanted! Just someone to give you a punch."

Joe was flabbergasted, but it only made him love her more. He was infatuated with her. "I don't care. All I care about is that you kept the baby. Our baby." He told her. "I'll make it all go away, I promise. By the time you get back, no one will even remember this happened. Ok? You just go with the kids and then come back to me? Will you?"

"I will. Of course. I didn't find out if we're gonna have a boy or a girl." Debbie told him.

Joe grinned as wide as his face would allow. "Whatever we have, as long as it's healthy, I don't care."

"Do me a favour and think of some good names for this one. Sarah and Jack are just named after Andy's parents. This one, our one, needs it's own legacy." Debbie looked over her shoulder to check on the kids quick.

"I don't know, Charity and Cain are lovely names." Joe laughed to himself. "Alright, alright, I promise, no parent names. Now come on, you need to go. Sarah and Jack need to see their Dad. And I need you safe and sound to carry on cooking our baby." Debbie pulled him in for a goodbye hug. Joe kissed the top of her head. "Just remember that I love you."

"I love you, too." Debbie admitted, clambering back into the car.

At the airport, Debbie left the car by the side of the road. Grabbing their bags, she bought three tickets to Spain. It took them four hours to finally get on their plane and another two and a half to arrive in Alicante airport, an hour in the taxi to Andy's house.

Debbie knocked twice on the door. It was one in the morning. Andy sheepishly answered. "What the? How did you find me?" He was shocked to see Debbie and his kids standing on his doorsteps.

"Private Investigator. Can we stay for a bit?" Debbie asked.

"Of course, come in. No one else is here, I'm still on my own." Andy picked Jack up and cuddled him close. "Sarah, god you've grown up. You're still my beautiful little girl though, how are you? Still cancer free?"

"Thanks to Jack, yeah, I am." Sarah smiled as Andy pulled her in for a hug as well. It didn't take long to settle Jack and Sarah to sleep in the spare room.

"So what are you really doing here?" Andy asked Debbie. Debbie just pulled her t-shirt up a little, revealing her baby bump.

"Just needed to get away from Mum and Dad. The Father's not their cup of tea. He's Mum's ex, Tate, his son. Joe Tate. But he's lovely really. Me and the kids'll be moving into home farm when we get back, with this little one." She cradled her baby bump. Her phone buzzed.

From: Joe
Daniel? Ellie?


Should the baby be a boy or girl?
What should Joe and Debbie name the baby?

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