What You Needed

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I hear the squeal of my alarm clock as I slowly begin to open my eyes. Great it's Monday, I think to myself while stripping the duvet from my body to turn off the endless irritating noise. I feel the cold draft on my skin and I shiver slightly wanting to pull the warm cover back over me.

"Billie, wake up!" Jess shouts, before banging hard on the door.

"I'm up." I say with a raspy tone in my voice.

"Hurry because my mum said I can't have anyone over while she's gone and she'll be back soon. So I need you out." I hear the shower turn on as she finishes her sentence.

"Yes I know, Jess."

I get out of bed and begin to pack my stuff back into my rucksack. Today I start this new art course, and I'm dreading every second of it. I hate working on my art in front of other people. It's like I can feel their eyes scanning everything I do, every paint brush I pick up, every colour I use and everything I decide to create. But right now it's the best option that I have, other than sitting at home, wasting space. Plus, it's a lot better than getting marked for your knowledge of equations and Pi. I quickly chuck on my jeans and a t-shirt before heading towards the apartment door. I stayed here with my friend Jess while her mum was on a business trip for some hair salon. Jess lives closer to town which makes it easier to get around anyway.

"Bye!" I shout, hopefully loud enough so she can hear me through the noise of the shower.

A loud thump travels down the hall and I begin to panic, I really hope she hasn't fallen. Suddenly a sigh of relief washes through me as I hear her.

"Bye Billie! Try to enjoy that art course, it's such a great opportunity." Her voice is drowned out by the power shower drumming on the floor but I can just about make out what she's saying before I shut the door behind me.

While walking down the road, I begin to notice how quiet the streets are. It almost seems as if everyone has just abandoned the place, apart from the occasional car that slowly drives by. Living in London, you get used to the city being crowded everywhere so seeing it nearly silent is almost creepy.

After walking for about ten minutes the area begins to liven up. Business men walk past hastily, and all the delivery trucks begin tumbling in. The street becomes busier and busier with tourists and idiotic people who don't know where they are going. I decide to take a short cut through a quiet alley. Hopefully avoiding all of the traffic along the main road. My black converse scrape along the unpaved ground as I stroll through in between office blocks and apartments, slowly becoming lost in the concrete maze of London. When I turn around a corner, I notice a guy with a can of spray paint in his hand, he looks up at the wall before painting it messily, moving his body to fill every corner in the brick canvas. I hate people who spray paint. There are so many canvases to express yourself on. Why would you choose a dirty wall?

As I get closer I notice his tattooed arms and his brown curly hair raised up in to a quiff. He's wearing black skinny jeans and black t-shirt which I can't help but admire him for. While I'm looking at his graffiti, he turns around to face me and stares down with a blank expression.

"I suppose you think you're cool, don't you?" I say, glaring back at him.

His blank face suddenly turns in to a frustrated one after hearing my remark.

"Who are you to say that?" He scoffs at me.

I continue to observe his graffiti before replying.

"Well, you know an office block wall, in an alley, you must be so mysterious and creative." I sarcastically remark.

A frown appears as he turns to look at his work.

"I bet you don't even know anything about art." He says.

I glance at his face quickly, and notice him smirking at me, as If I don't have anything else to show for myself.

"I know a lot more than you think, so don't make any judgements." I say, folding my arms.

His body jerks up as he feels insulted by what I've said to him.

"Yeah, like what? The colours of the rainbow?" He laughs at his own pathetic joke.

"No actually, I'm starting a new art course today, if you needed to know."

He raises an eye brow and shoots me a glare that would kill before slowly strolling closer to me.

"Is it at Waterbridge College?" He asks, sounding curious.

"What's it to you?" I say, trying to annoy him.

The curly haired boy smiles, before turning back around to continue his graffiti.

"Nothing, well you best be going or you'll miss your class." He says while painting on the letter H on the wall in red and some weird font that takes up to much space.

"Whatever, see you around, Picasso." I reply jokingly before walking through the alley once again.

As I approach Waterbridge College about five students are all scattered across the entrance. Obviously there to help people like me find their classes. The whole building is coated in glass, the only bit that isn't is the construction that holds the whole place together. It's so futuristic looking, clean and kind of creepy. It's as if nobody even goes here or they just all have brand new shoes that don't make a mark. I mean it makes sense for it to look like this, the college was only built last year but this must take some work.

Without realising, I've been staring at the bleak building for about a minute and a girl has just been looking at me worriedly. With her clip board in her hand she hastily begins to approach me.

"Hey, are you lost?" Her voice is scarily cheery for eight o'clock in the morning.

"Urm, no. Well yeah actually. Where are the art rooms?" I question.

"Oh, they are on the 12th floor, it's pretty easy to find, the elevator is just there." She says, pointing across the hall.

I nod in appreciation before walking towards the lift, ignoring all the other new students around me.

When the lift arrives on the 12th floor the doors slide open to reveal a huge space filled with hundreds of paintings and sculptures scattered around the room. Drawings take up every place on the ceiling and the place is lit up by the light from the glass windows to the left. In the centre of the room, huge tables are placed one after the other, each coated in equal amounts of paint splodges and dried up tissue paper. This isn't what I expected at all. I thought it would be some overly clean emotionless classroom that shoved all of the art work in the cupboards and acted like every student was a mindless idiot who had nothing better to do with their lives then get an A level in Art, instead of English literature.

"Excuse me, can I help you?" I jump as I hear a high toned voice behind me.

"I'm here for the new art course?" I say, cautiously.

"Oh yes! Follow me dear, I didn't get your name?" She asks, while walking across the room, me following behind her.

"It's Billie." I reply.

"Last name?"


"Well, Billie Edwards, I'm sure you will love this new art course. We only have the best teachers at Waterbridge College, so I can assure you that you will have a great time!" She almost squeals from excitement from talking about the college which is pretty weird.

I doubt I will have a 'great time' but this place is a great opportunity to kick off my career. But if this woman is my art teacher, I think I will lose it.


Hey guys, I know this chapter is a bit short but I just wanted the first chapter to be up ASAP because I want people to read it lols. Hope you like it and make sure you vote and comment pleeeease.

Ily and you can follow me on twitter if you want :) xx


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