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Colby's P.o.v

I space out for a few minutes trying to figure out how I can maybe end this all? But what if it never stops? My eyes go blurry, and all I hear are muffled voices, from people talking. I hear Sam call my name. I stay zoned out for a few minutes before I feel water splash on me. "COLBY!" I jump and look around. "HUH!?" Sam sighs in relief and looks at me. "You spaced out, are you feeling okay?" I think for a moment. Am I? "Actually...no....do you think we can take this home? I don't really want to be around lots of people right now.." I look around. "Yeah no problem" he smiles and goes to the counter to ask for some boxes, to put our food in. He starts putting stuff in boxes, and so do i.

Once we're in the car, I feel shitty. "Sam, I'm sorry for ruining your night.." I say as my head is resting against the window, as I'm watching the rain drop onto the window. "You didnt, you aren't having a great time right now, and that's fine. I just want to make sure your happy, and feeling alright." He pats my thigh and puts his hand back on the steering wheel. I was supposed to drive, but he insisted I rest.

We reach the house, and I get out. I pull my hoodie over my head to prevent rain from ruining my hair. He smiles at me, before he unlocks the door. Once we walk in, we see Corey sitting on the couch with Elton. "I thought you guys were going out?" I hear Elton say. "Colby wasn't feeling so great, so we just brought the food home." Sam walks into the kitchen to set the food at the table.

I go towards the dining table, but stop when I feel an arm around my shoulder. Sam. "Colby, are you sure your feeling alright?" He whispers into my ear. I shake my head 'no' and hang it low. (That rhymed hehe, anyways...back to the story) he gives me a concerned look. He gently grabs my arm and brings me into the living room. "Whats wrong?" He hands me water. "Well...this has NEVER gotten to me before..i think the fact he called me a fagg is really effecting me" (I spelt effecting wrong, like efecting, and it tried to correct it to erecting 😮😫😂) he looks like he is thinking for a moment. "You mean..the YouTube comment?" I nod. "Colby..." he sighs and hugs me tightly. I start sobbing into his shoulder, he doesn't seem to care because he doesn't move a muscle. My vision becomes dark, and i fall asleep.

~next day~

Colby's P.o.v

I wake up and see a blanket over me. I also see Sam on the floor. He must have slept in the living room with me, to make sure I don't do anything stupid. I appreciate it, but I don't want him to worry. I turn on my phone but immediately close my eyes tightly from the brightness. I turn it low and go into YouTube. I click on TFIL and tap a video. The volume was turned up all the way, making me drop my phone onto my face. I hear a yawn and shuffling of blankets. "Co-*Yawn*LbY?" He sits up groggily and rubs the sleep out of his eyes. "Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you." "It's okay" he smiles and gets up. "How're you feeling?" He asks. "Eh, I don't feel as crappy as  Yesturday" I say.

~10 mins later~

I'm cooking breakfast, and corey, Elton, and jake are down here, but Aaron, well...hes playing fortnite I'm guessing. A few minutes pass, And we hear running down the stairs. Aaron quickly grabs his food and a water bottle and runs back up stairs. I roll my eyes playfully. We continue eating until we're finished. I take my dish and put it in the sink. I'm about to walk away until Elton gives me a look. Not just any look...a 'clean your dishes look' I pretend I'm stretching and clean my dish. A while back, Elton did a prank on me. He wrapped all kind of stuff on my car and put packing peanuts inside. He then told me there was a present under all the packing peanuts, after digging through, there wasn't a present. He then told me it's in the trunk. I open the trunk, and see a bag with a dinosaur on it. Elton grabs what's in it. Dish soap. "WASH YOUR DISHES B*TCH" he then breaks out laughing. I eventually got him back from that.

~1 hour later.~

Sam's p.o.v

I knock on colby's bedroom door, and i hear a 'come in' from the inside. I need to tell him some thing every Important. "So uhm colby.." I start off. He gives me a look. "Im.." I take a deep breath.

"I'm gay."


CLIFF HANGERRR i know you must all be thinking, Alex, where is the suicide bridge part? Well, it's not going to be in the next few chapters, but it will come eventually I promise. Right now I'm trying to make the story reasonable by putting sad events. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter!!!!!!!! I'll see you in the next one!!!!!! 🖤

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