Chapter 6: The Past (EDITED)

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The night went by. The next day went quicker. All the talks that were had only spoke of the present. The nights were growing longer by the time the weekend came. The conversations were slowing down, topics were missing. No word had come from Lilly about who was targeting Kate, and she was ready to go back home.

She was alone in the room she called home for the time being, when the memories from her childhood came back to her. The different foster homes. The feelings of weakness and seeing her brother struggle with not being able to help her. The pain of her foster fathers raping her. The memories of the social workers not believing her. They all haunted her. Until one walked in as her last "father" was forcing himself onto her. Her brother was still at school. The social worker took her and her brother from the man. That was the last time she felt like a tool. The social worker started her in therapy and took up charges against the man.

She couldn't move. Not when Conallan called for dinner or when he knocked on her door. Brian was out talking to some other investigators. "Dr. Cross, dinner is ready." he knocked louder. She couldn't answer. She heard the door below open and close.

"Con, I'm back." Footsteps retreated down the hallway to the stairs. Hushed whispers were all she could hear. Than the footsteps pounding up the stairs and the doorknob being turned.

The window was the only source of light, though it was barely even a beam. Brian first noticed the protective posture Kate had moved into. Something seemed to scare her. He walked, slowly and cautiously towards her. "It's time for dinner. Con made some Irish stew." He was by the bed at this point. His hand was moving to move some of her long black hair that had fallen out of her braid. She moved farther away from him and she was trying to move farther away from the memories. "Kate, I won't hurt you." She heard Brian trying to get through to her but she was trapped in the dark, dark house.

He could see her struggling to break free of what was holding her down. He saw the fear in her eyes. Without thinking he picked her up and started rocking her, even while she pounded her fists against his chest. "I won't hurt you. It's alright." he repeated it over and over until she was finally calming down, bit by bit.

Con was watching from the hallway. He knew that something had happened to the woman in his young friend's arms. He was determined to find out what had happened to her and he knew just the right person to talk to. He went down to the study where he wouldn't have any words overheard by the vents. He picked up the black, old timey phone and dialed in Lilly's number. "Officer Benton, why don't you come over to dinner? Dr. Cross would be grateful if you came."

"I am at a crime scene Mr. Mac Raghnaill. It seems as if we have a killer. I will be over soon though. I need to ask Kate some questions." She hung up quickly. Different scenarios were running through his head when Brian and Kate came down the stairs. Kate was still in his arms but not beating his chest anymore. The only thing that could be heard from her were quiet sobs and hiccups.

Brian looked down at her than at Con. He mouthed, "She needs to eat". Con nods as he watches the two move into the kitchen. He hoped that whatever had hurt her wouldn't leave her to be helpless to food or the caring and understanding arms of Brian.

He walked into the kitchen to see how the pair was getting along with eating and, hopefully, opening up. Kate was sitting in a chair with a bowl of Irish Stew. She wasn't eating it though. Tears weren't clouding her eyes anymore but the streaks down her face mirrored what Brian felt after losing his daughter. Fear, pain, sadness.

Her thoughts kept revolving around her last "father" and the ex that hurt her enough for her to fake her death. She knew she had to tell these people how she came to be where she is today and why she became who she is today.

From the door, there was a knock. Kate's head moved quick enough to have her close to falling out of the chair. Her breathing became more erratic and shallowed than either of the men had seen in her. Con moved from the kitchen with a grace of a boxer ready for anything that comes towards him. The person on the other side was Lilly coming to have dinner and ask about her victim. When she saw her best friend's tear streaked face, she knew. It was time to help Kate let someone else into what was a horrid story that kept continuing.  

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