12 Parts

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Chapter 1

It was Christmas evening and I was getting ready to out with friends. I was going to meet them at the bar as we obviously didn't have anything better to do with our time than drink and spend time with each other. I was twenty two years old and unhappily married to Josh Evans, a twenty four year old emotionally and physically abusive husband who I couldn't stand being around anymore. I had a slender build and weighed about 48 kg. He had blond hair with piercing blue eyes and was slightly overweight. He was spending Christmas with his friends so going out was a better option than being alone at home. I finished up and slammed a black cowboy hat on my head as my hair was not working with me. I had my hair cut a few days ago and went from a long haired blond to a Chinese bob, black haired girl. I felt rebellious after hearing how worthless and ugly I was yet again but at least tonight I looked quite nice with my all black attire and my cowboy hat.

I walked into the bar and immediately found my friends and headed over to them. The bar had been distastefully decorated and looked like a cheap trailer park falling apart. We greeted each other with hugs and the first shots were already waiting. With Christmas cheers we threw back the shots and banged the glasses on the bar twice. As tradition went, I then went over to the owners of the pub to greet them as they were always sitting at the same spot where they could keep an eye on things. As always they greeted me warmly with a swift hug and shots in hand. They knew that I always came out and made sure to have shots prepared for when I walked in. They really liked drinking and mingling and alcohol made friendships flow so much easier. We talked for a while and headed over to the pool table which seemed to be the 'it' spot tonight. Everyone was loud and maybe had way too much alcohol in their systems but everyone loved playing pool and placing bets on who they thought would win. We would spin a bottle to see who would be getting the next round and lady luck was not on my side tonight as it was the second time it pointed in my direction. With over the top antics and everyone laughing at me I headed over to the bar to satisfy my overly loud friends. I had to fight through all the people to get a spot to stand as I waved my arm in the air like a crazy person trying to get the bar staff to notice me. Finally an unfamiliar face placed a red shot in front of me and smiled mysteriously. I said thank you and with a mysterious smile he said 'It's a pleasure Liz'. Stunned to silence, I stood staring at him as he walked away wondering how he knew my name. There's someone new working behind the bar and I only noticed him now. How did I not see him when I walked in? I usually knew the entire bar staff and I became fast friends with them. The owners gave us special treatment because we were friends and everyone working there was informed of that fact. It always made me feel special knowing that I was a priority to someone, even if it was just at a bar. Spending lots of time and money in one place makes you a valuable asset.

I couldn't help but stare at the new guy's tall physique. He was wearing a tight black short sleeve shirt and his tattooed arms tensioned as he leaned on the bar talking to someone. His muscles flexed as his hands gripped the side of the wood. I noticed one tattoo standing out on his left forearm that said in capital letters written under each other WTF. His stomach was tight and his abs showed clearly through his shirt. His hair was dark and gelled to perfection and those eyes... those dark mysterious eyes that kept glancing in my direction. I suddenly felt vulnerable and exposed and didn't know how to act. To my relief, Chloe, my friend came to drag me away as it was my turn to play pool. We waved to another bar tender and he brought us our usual drinks without hesitation. Playing pool was a welcome distraction from this mysterious face. As I aimed to hit the ball, I felt someone staring at me. I felt their eyes burning on my skin, and no matter where I went, I had nowhere to hide. Inconspicuously I looked up and from behind all the people surrounding the table I saw him looking at me, blatantly staring at me through the crowd. His presence threw me and I failed to concentrate on what I was doing and I missed the shot, and the ball was right in front of the pocket! He smirked and disappeared behind the sea of faces surrounding us. There was something about him that made me feel very uneasy, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it...yet.

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