Chapter 2

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The first human I killed was little, she was around the age of 9, I think. this is how it went down.

That night I was taking a little stroll in the woods, I was having a nice day no sight of any humans, and it was quiet not even crickets weren't chirping until I heard a noise. It was the sound of a stick break, a second after the stick broke I heard a short scream.

I galloped over to the sound and saw a little girl walking around, and she was looking around scared, I had a feeling she heard me coming over. I looked around to find out a way to get her out of the woods, we don't like visitors, especially humans. Then I remaindered the promise I made to myself and looked around and saw she was only 2ft away from where my herd was killed just incase it didn't work out, so I decided to try it out.

I walked up to the girl slowly so I didn't scare her. When I got close I stuck my head so she could pet me. Except when I put my head up to her she slapped it and started to run. As you can tell I was not happy so I ran up to her bit onto her hair and yanked her down to where my herd died and smacked her down to the ground hard enough she whould be in to much pain to get back up. Then I backed up stomped my hooves and ran over her, she was young so I only needed to run over her 3x for her to die.

When I was done I felt so alive, so alive that I wanted to do it more and more and more....

Llama LoveWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt