First Sight

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Don't get me wrong I am extremely happy I got the trainee-ship at Bondi Beach but the hours were a piss take if I do say so myself.

It was my first day and I was leaving my apartment at 5:30am to make sure I was at work on time. I was so glad to get out of England, there were too many bad memorise there. I shudder thinking about the times I spent crying my self to sleep. I snapped myself out the dark memorises before they took over my mind again. I let my eyes wonder over the scenery as I walk the short distance along the cost, from my apartment that over looked Tamarama beach. My hands we unusually cold as I put my headphones in my ears, I turned on my phone and set the music to play randomly. A smile graced my face as The Princess Of China by Coldplay and Rihanna came blasting through the ear buds. Even though I did have to get out of bed at 5am, I couldn't think of a better to start the day than walking along the cost with the sun rising and the sound of the beautiful Chris Martin in My ears. Life was finally good.

I ran the last 5 minutes to work after realising that my day dreaming would cause me to me late if I didn't get a move on. As the Newbie I was required to do the morning set up for the first month along side one full time member of the team. I was weirdly nervous as I ran up to the lifeguard hut because I saw that a light had already been switched on. I wonder who I was going to meet this morning. Don't get me wrong I am a big fan of the show so I know who everyone is but I had only met Hoppo officially, face to face.

I pulled out my headphones and stuck my phone in to the pocket of my jumper as I walked in to the hut. My eyes were met with an image of a beautiful man maybe in his mid too late twenties. Before I could make a fool of my self for being observant the man started speaking.

"Hi you must be the Newbie" he held out his hand for me to shake which I grabbed to quickly, god I'm such a freak.

"Well my name is Ryan Clark but you can call me Whippet, everyone else does" I smile at the nick name it was kinda cute.

"Ok well my name is Emilia Morgans and is yet to have an inventive nick name" he laughs at me and it is the sound of angles and it put a goofy smile on my face.

"Alright Emilia we will have to think of an inventive nick name for you, but for now we have to get your kit ready so follow me." I did as I was told and followed Whippet like I was a lost little puppy, no one was around so I didn't really mind making a huge fool of myself.

I wad directed in to Hoppo's office. I stopped when Whippet walked over to a locker in the back of the room and opened it.

"Ok this is how this works, you are allowed 3 pairs of board shorts and 3 tees, you are also aloud 1 jumper and 1 bikini , I presume you will be wearing one" Whippet started getting flustered and red so I nodded to him, trying not to laugh.

"Right I will leave you to it, the girls toilets are just down the hall, here are the keys, please lock up after you. I will be getting the flags ready please be quick" he says as he shoves the keys in to my hands.

"Yeah no problem, thank you" I called just as he walks out of the office.

I picked out my uniform, making sure I got a baggy jumper. I lock the office door and change as quickly as possible. I walk back over to the hut full clothed in my new uniform and leave my other cloths and spear work cloths on a shelf in the back of the hut. I left the keys on the counter top and rush out to the tunnel to meet Whippet, who had already gotten the flags attached to the Rhino ready for me to put them up.

"Emilia, do you have your drivers licence?" Whippet questions and in honest fact I didn't know if my UK licence was valid in Australia.

"I don't know you see, I'm not sure if a UK licence if valid here in Australia. So I best not drive" I blurt out.

"It's ok Em the person you are partnered up with can dive but I would check it out because one day you will have to drive the Rhino." I nod and climb in to the passenger seat and sped off down the beach.

We worked in silence whilst putting up the flags and dangerous current signs all the way along the beach. Once we were finished Whippet drove us both down to Backpackers where we finally parked up. We were in the middle of winter here so not many people come to Bondi but we patrolled anyway. And if there were going to be any rescues this early in the morning it would be at Backpackers.

"So Em, how old are you?" Whippet asked out of no where, breaking the silence.

"I've just turned 25, you?" throwing the question right back at him.

"Well Im just about to turn 31" My mouth dropped no way did the man look at day over 24,Whippet starts to laugh but carries on the conversation.

"So what brings a fine English lass to Bondi" he asked facing me.

"Well I have just finished my teaching degree at the university of Cardiff, my dad died shorty after and he was a lifeguard and back in the day before he had me he wanted to work on this very beach so i though if I get in shape I could honer him by working here." I paused and took a long deep breath and carried on.

"I forgot to mention that my mother was sleeping with my fiancé" a few tears dripped down my face, it still hurt to think about what they did to me. Whippets arms came around be and inclosed me in a big bear hug which I was grateful for.

"Well thats pretty shit, Im sorry about your dad by the way. But I have a very good feeling about you Emilia Morgans and I think life is on the up for you. Come on we best get up to the tower the rest of the team for today should be getting in any minute" he finished and unwound his arms from around my body. I quickly rubbed my face and in a moment we were half ways across heading for the Lifeguard Hut.


If you haven't guessed yet, Whippet will be a big character in this story, if you know what I mean xx

Thankyou for reading I appreciate it very much, please Comment, Vote and share this story.

I will be updating very soon, sorry this chapter isn't very long, hopefully the up and coming chapters will be longer for you guys.

Bye for now Alohomora1710 XXXX

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