I woke up screaming. Bright lights burnt my eyes. My mom and dad came rushing in. I started to panic. Where was I, and what happend? My mother started to smother me with kisses and my dad gave me a huge bear hug. "Are you all right Jackson?" I had no idea what he was talking about, but when my mom gave me a hug a shot of pain came from my side. I pulled up my shirt and there was a huge piece of gauze wrapped around my side. I was about to take it off when the docter came in. "Its good to see that you are doing well." said the docter. "Uuuuuhhhhh thanks?" I replied. "Are you feeling dizzy? Is there any nausea?" He asked "No." "Well I don't see why you have to stay any longer just have your parents sign this form and you'll be good to go." He handed the form to my parents and as they discussed what to do in order of cleaning my wound, I asked "How long have I been out?" The doctor was hesitante to say "About 2 days." he finally replied "Do you know what happend?" I asked "Yes by the looks of your wound it looks like an animal, and a savage one too." I tried to rember what happend but nothing came to mind. Then I rememberd one thing. Two glowing red eyes. The memory brought a shiver up my spine.
When we got home, everyone on the bolck threw a party for me. The first one to greet me at home was my best friend Sam. He have me a bear hug and I retuned it with a cry of pain. He touched my wound. "Sorry" he said. "Dude its fine im just glad I'm ok." The whole evening I was bombarted with questions and hugs. Some asked how was I doing, some asked if i was I ok, but the little kids that where there asked questions like did it hurt, can i see it ,and one kid asked if he could punch me where I was hurt. They where anoying as hell but I answered each one with a polite answer. When every one had left it was 12:47 and I was tired. I said goodnight to my mom and dad, trudged up my stairs ,and threw myself into bed. That night i thought I was in a dream but it turned into a nightmare.
Hey sorry for leaving you guys hanging. I hope you enjoyed. Please comment and vote see ya later~Tigerscar