Chapter I - After Hours

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My fellow writer who did most of this shit, @DrLazy      

NOTICE: We don't really ship Drarry, we just thought this would be fun to write because we're bored lmao


Secured by his invisibility cloak, Harry was wondering the halls, unexpectedly after hours. Harry wasn't usually one to break the rules, but Malfoy was. If you're a Slytherin, you just don't seem to care, and you know that because the sorting hat knows where those people belong; the long table in the great hall, with their green robes and sinister facial expressions. Even though Draco sat amongst those students, the blond still found a way to make the Gryffindor smile, even though it was all a secret, and Harry's true happiness belonged to him. It'd be unheard of for two houses who hate each other to have a student from each together, and as much as it hurts keeping it a secret from their friends, they did it for one another. 

Harry ran outside eagerly to see the blond Slytherin standing alone on the bridge, staring out at the moonlight reflecting on the water below. With a grin printed on his face, he goes up behind Draco, wrapping his arms around his waist and pulling him into a hug, causing him to stifle a giggle. "Potter!" he squeals, pulling off his invisibility cloak with one swift movement and looking into his emerald eyes. "Why're you up?"

Harry looked back into his silver, cloudy eyes  and replied with a chuckle, "I could ask you the same, Malfoy. I saw you sneak out whilst everyone was heading to their dorms. Is something wrong?"

Draco seemed to only show his glittering smile to Harry. "No, I'm okay." he says, his voice higher, and he lets out a tired sigh.

"Your voice gets higher when you lie, Slytherin." Harry teased, "Tell Potterhead what's wrong." 

Malfoy looks away from the calmness of the water to the concerned boy standing beside him. "It's just... I'm scared."

"Scared of what?" Harry says, gripping onto Draco's hand. He holds it back, intertwining his fingers with Harry. 

"What if you're in trouble, being with me?" 


"My parents work for you know who, that can get you into trouble if they ever find ou_"

"They won't," Harry says, "and besides, if they do, I'm not afraid."

Draco turns to him surprised. "You're not? But it's you... you're all they care about! You and that scar, your parents, you being dead!"

Harry stares down and their hands, "But we can't let that ruin us, right?"

He moves a little closer to Harry, "Just promise me something."


Draco places his other hand on his cheek. "Promise me you'll let me protect you."

"Draco... we protect each othe-"

"Promise me."

Harry stares into his eyes and senses how desperate Draco is for him to promise. Whenever they get time alone, they know that time won't be for very long; soon everyone will be knocked out of their beds and the sun will begin to rise, and it's then time for them to go their separate ways.  "I... I promise." 

"Good." Draco puts their foreheads together, pulling Harry closer, and Harry puts is other arm around his waist. "How much time do we have left?"

Harry smiles with a sad sigh, "I don't know, but I wish we had more."

"We will someday... when we've left here, and defeated you know who, we'll have all the time in the world." Draco leans in and presses a small, soft kiss on Harry's lips that lasts for several, long seconds.

Harry beams at him. "Okay..." 

Time flies by to quick; after a couple of hours which feel like minutes, they're both under the invisibility cloak, and Harry drops him off at the Slytherin common room, grabbing his hand and kissing him before he leaves. Draco smiles. "I'll see you tomorrow, Potter."

Harry thinks back to the time they first met; Draco trying to drag him into Slytherin by becoming his friend which didn't work, and how he said "Potter" in that evil, harsh tone. But now he says it so calmly and with a smile that could light up the sky. Smiling to himself, the brunette Gryffindor made his way back to his dorm, thinking about his blond Slytherin the whole way.

He pushes the door open lightly to see Dean jumping around the room, and he bashes into the wall laughing. Ron immediately looks up at Harry, who's standing there in complete confusion.

"Don't worry Harry," Ron explains, "he just had a fruit pastille."

Harry nods awkwardly and heads over to his bed to get changed into his robes. Ron looks at him confused. "Where were you?" he asks.

"Toilet," Harry answers, "then I got in some early gay practic- GAME! Game practice! Quidditch!"

Ron nods understandably and gets changed into his robes while Harry gets changed into his. Harry facepalms, Jesus Harry, if that wasn't close enough...

Harry grabs his wand and his books, waiting for Ron to hurry up. "Hey, Ron?" he asks wondering, "How are you and Hermione?"

Ron almost chokes on the fruit pastille in his mouth, and Harry tries not to laugh. "What do you mean?" Ron says, his cheeks flushed, "There's nothing between me and Hermione!"

"Oh, sure." Harry rolls his eyes playfully, "You look at her as if you're gonna grab a ring, get down on two knees and ask her to marry you. Why don't you just tell her you like her?"

"I'm not the only one! You haven't told Ginny you like her, so why should I?"

Harry stands there dazed. He does NOT like Ginny. Yeah, she's nice and all, but all Harry sees them as is friends and he wants it to stay that way. Even if he waved around the gay flag in their faces they probably wouldn't realise he doesn't like girls. "She's my friend, silly! We aren't a thing!"

Ron mocks him, "Oh, sure." 

Harry nudges him and rolls his eyes. "Come on, we have to get to the great hall. Don't wanna be late seeing your fiance, do we?"


Neville interrupts by grabbing their hands and running downstairs into the common room in a hurry. They both get dragged along through the hallways, asking Neville what's going on confused, and it feels like they've been running around the huge castle for ages before they finally make it outside and see what's going on.

Everyone was crowded around, watching the fight.

Oh no, Harry thinks.

Draco and his gang of friends, who Harry knows he secretly hates, are gathered around Hermione, as she stands there with no fear but annoyance and sadness in her eyes.

"Maybe if you put that book down for once, mudblood, you would actually see how nobody likes you." Draco holds back a laugh while all the other Slytherin students that are standing around watching are in hysterics. "Off you go, Granger, I'm sure you REALLY wanna finish reading that book before I smack you around the head with it."

And, just like that, they walk away to the great hall, leaving Hermione to turn around and see Harry, Ron and Neville standing there sympathetic. She runs over to Ron and hugs him crying, and Harry watches them without anxiety; he can talk to Draco.

He's the only one who really understands Malfoy, and he knows how to do it.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2018 ⏰

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