In An Unknown Location
Terrin was led into a large room and the door closed behind him. He didn't want to be here but his Father forced him. Maybe he wouldn't have to do anything. Another door, one he hadn't seen, opened and a girl stumbled through. Terrin was at her side in a flash, catching her as she fell. She looked up at him with a cute, little frown. He frowned. Where had that come from? Her green eyes were quizzical as she stared at him. "What?"
"Why did you catch me? Most let me fall." Her voice was that of an Angels. Like chiming bells, that carried on the spring breeze.
"I'm not most." She cocked her head to the side peering up at him through thick lashes. "What is your name beautiful?" The nickname slipped out before he could stop it but to his surprise she smiled slightly.
"I am Angel." She whispered. He shook his head. That wasn't her name. He knew her. He'd seen pictures of her before. No. He'd seen pictures of a woman who looked almost exactly like her.
"No beautiful. I don't believe you." Her eyes had widened in panic and her breathing quickened. "Beth." She stilled, staring at him in shock. "Your name is Bethany." She nodded, a minuscule movement that Terrin barely caught.
"How did you know?" Her voice, too, was very quiet. He had to strain to hear it.
"I know your cousin Will. And your sister Chloe." Her eyes lit up.
"Will and Chloe?" He nodded. "Chloe is here. You have to get her out. Can you save her? Please." He nodded again, though he didn't know why. "She'll be here when you are due to leave."
"I promise, Beautiful, that I will save Chloe." She smiled. A true, honest smile. He found himself smiling back. They fell into easy conversation. Conversation mostly centred around a series of books. The Chronicles of Narnia. Before he knew it, the bell was ringing.
"Your time is up." She whispered, sadly. He nodded, sad as well.
"Yes. But I'll be back." She smiled again. The door at the back opened and a girl came through.
"Miss Flint it is time to leave." It was Chloe. She hadn't yet seen Terrin. Beth didn't move. Chloe looked up and her gaze fell on Terrin. Her eyes widened considerably and her mouth fell open. "Terrin?" She could barely believe it. He nodded and she was by them in less than a second, hugging Terrin tightly. "You came. You came for us." He didn't have his heart to tell her the truth so he nodded.
"I can't go yet." Beth broke the moment. "Chloe, you and Terrin have to leave, but I can't. We'll never get out if I go as well. Go. Quickly, before they come looking."
"No! Please no. I can't leave you here Beth! I can't!" Chloe protested, her eyes shining with tears yet to fall.
"You have to!" Beth said, fighting back a sob. Chloe, hugged her sister tightly, tears in her eyes. Tears in all their eyes. Beth stood in the middle of the room watching as Terrin and Chloe walked to the door. They stopped and looked back at her for a split second, then they left. Faintly they heard a hushed, "bye, bye."
In The Wilson House
Will sat at the table staring at nothing. It had been two weeks. The house was quieter than ever. After Beth's disappearance it became quiet, but now it was almost silent. The only sound was the monotonous ticking of the clock on the wall. The door opened, but Will didn't look. "Will I need your help."
It was Terrin. He turned his head to look at the older boy, not speaking. "Will I really need your help. It's about Beth and Chloe. It's really important, but I don't think you'll like it. Please, help me." Will nodded shortly and followed him out of the house.

RomanceThere are many questions in the universe. Some are answered within seconds, others take longer. Some are never answered. Some are hard to answer. Some are impossible. Some just rely on opinion. Others on experience. But there are questions that are...