Chapter 1 - Young But Dangerous

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We live in a galaxy, full of hatred and despair. Filled with people only alive to kill and give birth to Bloodshed. I can't just go out there and tell them to stop...I need to dress up as one of them, and stop the crime from the inside. I may be young...but trust me, I am certainly dangerous.

Location: A casino in Canto Bight

"Whats the hold up?" Said a crime boss, walking out of a Casino, blaster in hand.
"Just putting in the credits in your account, S- sir..." A scrawny worker said, being forced to put in credits for a cheater who didn't deserved to be recognized.

"Look at him..." Enfys Nest said, Electro staff in hand. "So wimpy and yet so respected." Nest said again. She looked at her Marauder dressed goons, who all looked at her like god. "Should I snipe him? Bomb his vehicle?" One Of The goons said, clearly smirking under his helmet.
"No...this is a Job I'll carry out myself." Nest said, walking toward her Swoop Bike. "Make sure no one notices you..." Nest says to her goons. "This won't be the first time they see us" Nest said again, revving up her Swoop Bike before blasting off onto the roads of Canto Bight.

"Look here pal, I'm getting really heated over the wait" The Cheater said again.

"Look Sir, I'm going as fast as I can!" The scrawny employee says again, before being shot with a blaster pistol.

The cheater then looks over to everyone in the casino, including the manager.
"Must've been something he drink! I'll pick up the rust of the credit tomorrow mates!" The cheater said before blasting into the streets of said Canto Bight.

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