Song of Bewilderment (Reader/Mystia Lorelei fic)

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Authors Note:

Phew! I haven't written fan fiction for a long time and I'm surprised it ended up being this long. This will only be a one-shot, I'm too lazy to make a series out of it xD
Hope you enjoy! probably some grammar errors here and there, but lemme know what you think!

It was a chilly autumn night, the vegetation hidden in the darkness which could've made you feel wary, however, thankfully the moon's radiance was your source of light.

Current Time: 11:00PM

You paced along the Youkai Trail, the tall hazel trees rustled with the wind while your shoes scrunched above the trail. You felt a cool breeze hitting against your body resulting you to shudder, or perhaps it was fear? You have never seen or at least bear knowledge in regards to this land. To your incredible eyes, you assume it's just an ordinary pathway, not even realising that ravenous youkai lurked this particular location. Although, if you were lucky enough like a certain rabbit, there may be a tiny chance of reaching to the Human Village in time.

Abruptly, everything went pitch-black...

This hindered your eyesight, except for your sharp ears that heard a melodic noise. Your heart began to race while either running frantically or power-walking, trying to remain collected. Either way, you soon bumped into a large tree as it blocked you from running into a trap or going in circles. Your body felt flat on the shriveled leaves, a groan escaped from your mouth as you try to recover from the accident. At least it put you to a halt rather than scurrying around like a hopeless lunatic.

"Hehe, I spy with my little eye, a lost human!" A young feminine voice echoed.

"Humans, humans are yummy~ But not as delicious as lamprey, lamprey~!" The girl sung, hoping to fright her prey.

The hell was "lamprey"? and who was that person or thing speaking just now? You thought to yourself. After regaining mobility, your eyes blinked at the enigma. It was difficult to perceive under the night's condition, but you managed to spot some interesting features. Her vivid rosy eyes glinted in the darkness becoming almost mesmerising. Suddenly, she hopped down from the tree branch as soon as you lifted yourself up from the ground. You observed the creature again, but this time up-close.

You gasped, not sure if you seen anything strange such as this wicked being before...

She had short ruffled hair that was tinted pink, protruding green nails or claws(?) and smelly but sharp rotten teeth. She wore a burgundy dress and a round hat with miniature white patterns accompanied with a long blouse. Furthermore, she bears pointy ears and feathery wings relating to a bird - a youkai bird to be specific. It was hard to not picture her as a cosplayer or some video game character.

"Hello there~ It's uncommon for a human to be going for a walk this late, eh?" ??? chirped.

You flinched back by her sudden presence, although it would be a terrible idea to let your guard down.

"Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Mystia Lorelei and I'm the greatest night-sparrow in all of Gensokyo!" Mystia greeted with a strong tone, performing a cute pose in the process.

Her egocentric vibe made you feel a bit uncomfortable, besides you probably couldn't careless no matter who she was or pretended to be. Perhaps you had an urge to cut Mystia off by running away or pushing her to make a run for it.... That wouldn't be a good idea though.

"Not much of a talker huh? How boooring! I know what will lighten the mood, how about a song?" Mystia stretched and shook her arms to loosen up. Afterwards, the young youkai rested her palms in a crisscross gesture on her chest and gave a deep breath.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2018 ⏰

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