Dr. Mackali

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"Hey" Emily and Jake said in unison. Hey guys you ready to go to the hospital. "Heck yeah I can't wait to see my god child" Emily said with a huge smile plastered on her face. " Yeah and I can't wait to see my babies". Jake said as he kissed me. I ran back to my bedroom and grabbed my bag and my phone. We walked out the house. Since I was only twelve I obviously couldn't drive so we had to walk to the bus stop. With me being pregnant I couldn't really walk that far without my feet hurting. So I know what I have to do. "Jakey can you please carry me, my feet are killing me". he didn't have to say anything he bended over and picked me up.

We got to the bus stop just in time to catch our bus. We paid out bus fair and took our seats. I say across from this nice looking old lady. she looked at me with disgust. " How old are you" she asked me. " I'm twelve about to be thirteen". I said smiling. My birthday was in a few weeks. " A little slut aren't you". I was so shocked I looked at Emily and Jake to see if they heard the old lady as well. " Well you're old enough to be a saggy ass bitch. So shut the hell up you stupid cunt" I couldn't believe that Emily said that. Jake and I head turn so fast to Emily's direction we nearly got whipped lash. Before the old lady could reply back it was time for is to get off the bus. We practically ran off the bus laughing. I didn't know that my baby bump was that noticeable I'm even wearing a sweat shirt.

We enter In the hospital and go to the third floor. Jake and Emily went to go find a seat for us. While I go check myself in. Hello I have a doctors appointment with Dr. Mackali. Before I could even finish the doctors name the resepisionist shot her head up. " How old are you " she asked with a confused face. " I'm twelve ", I replied back. Oh well I have to ask you a few questions." What grade are you in, what is your ethnicity, who is the father, how many months are you, do you have any allergies we should know about, and how much do you weigh". She have me a sheet of paper and a pen and I wrote down all the answers. She looked at me as soon as she read the first one. " You skipped sixth and seventh grade". "Yep I was way ahead. But sadly I made a stupid mistake." She nodded her head and I just sat down.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2014 ⏰

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