Introduction|The very beggining

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T- teacher
J- Jessica
Ja- Jacob

First day of nursery
T: ok everybody sit in a circle, there we go. You've all got name tags but we're going to go round the circle this way and when it's your turn could you tell everyone your name and something you like so we can all get to know each other better. It can be something you like doing it can be a colour you like an animal you like it can be anything you like. I'll go first, my name is Mrs Taylor and I like drawing. Would you like to go next?
Girl 1: my name is Olivia and I like penguins
Boy 1: my names Alex and I like purple
Boy 2: my names Thomas and I like singing
Girl 2: my names Jemima and I like running
Ja: my name is Jacob and I like sandwiches
(Class laughs)
T: Jessica it's your turn
J: (whimpers)
T: Jessica are you ok
J: (covers face with hands and bursts into tears and goes and hides under table crying with her hands over her face and her head in her knees)
Ja: Mrs Taylor please may I be aloud to go after her to see if she's alright
T: yes Jacob thank you that's very kind of you. Ok in the mean time everybody lets carry on with the game
(Jacob runs over to Jessica and climbs under the table with her)
Ja: are you ok? Why are you crying?
J: (carries on crying)
Ja: did you not know what to say?
J: (shakes her head, still crying)
Ja: it's ok (pats back) do you want me to help you to have something to say?
J: (still crying) y-yes please
Ja: do you want a hug?
J: y-yes please
(They hug)
Ja: what's your favourite animal?
J: (cries) I-I don't know
Ja: oh I'm sorry. What's your favourite colour?
J: (pauses for a moment to think; bursts into tears again) I DON'T KNOW I CANT DECIDE ANYTHING (mood)
Ja: I'm sorry for making you cry (hugs again and pats on the back) you like sandwiches yeah? Everyone likes sandwiches yeah?
J: (still sobbing) y-yeah
Ja: do you want to come with me and tell everyone you like sandwiches?
Ja: do you want me to say it for you?
J: y-yes please
Ja: your name is Jessica?
J: (wipes eyes) yes
Ja: it's ok I'll be your friend I'm Jacob. (Takes hand and pulls from out under the table) you'll be ok just come with me (holds hand) everybody this is Jessica and she also likes sandwiches
T: that's nice well done thank you Jacob why don't you two sit down over here. Ok Thalia, your turn
J: (whispers to Jacob) thank you

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