Part 7

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It's been a couple of days Suman and Shravan didn't see each other , she had a huge order to fill and he was stuck with his current pending case with more coming on the way .But they didn't cease to talk on the phone and text each other ,everyone seemed to notice a beautiful change in Suman and Shravan .They were smiling more and seemed so happy ,even when a stressful event occurred at work they seem to be the only ones keeping a calm composure.

Finally it was the day of the Hearing from the court. Suman left her home early to meet Shravan at the Malhotra Mansion .She came in his room as he was putting on his black coat . She smiled finding him looking very dashing as he was fixing his collar in the mirror.

"Hmm not bad Mr. Lawyer" She surprised him 

"What are you doing here?" his voice gleamed happily glad to see her 

"I thought to come to see my Lawyer and give him all the encouragement!" She walked in his closet wearing her cute pink kurti with her hair in a nice loose bun. She knew it wasn't long for their family to bring the topic of their marriage and wanted to start taking charge already!

She gave him a sweet smile before tip toeing and placed her hands on his chest slowly moving up to his collar with full rights! Shravan looked on fondly at her, her presence  would automatically sooth him .He loved her caring nature; it was one of the reasons he fell in love with her. He  slowly put his arms around her holding  her close.

"I missed you beautiful"

Her cheeks turned rosy, feeling his hands around her waist, they were getting used to this new found affection. They both were loving it, there was somehow no awkwardness, maybe because they both loved each other for so long and were longing to finally act on it ! It was finally happening so they were both enjoying every moment!

"I missed you too ...bukar"

He chuckled seeing her cute teasing she didn't miss his loving eyes on her as she buttoned his black coat.

She moved back satisfied "There! Perfect!"

"Thank you" He leaned down planting a sweet kiss on her forehead, her eyes closed absorbing his  warmth .It made her heart flutter happily loving the feeling of his lips over her skin.

She sensed his voice a tad bit nervous ,it was the first case he was going to fight after coming back from London and didn't want to disappoint ! She slowly cupped his cheek gently 

" I know today you will win your case and that Rajan will be behind bars"

"Sumo, if I lose your case then ?"

"I will continue to feed you regardless "She said easing him up but he still seemed worried

"No matter what happens Shravan you will always be my Best Lawyer" She tip toed and planted a long kiss on his cheek soothingly .He took deep sigh; he knew his case was strong but anything could happen. He knew having her by his side made a difference.

In court Shravan stood strong and firm on his allegations and proofs. Rajan's lawyer tried rebuking his arguments but failed miserable! Rajan was guilty of fraud and was sentenced to jail time for 5 years! Not only that but had to pay back the locators the extra money they paid. Shravan gave him one firm triumph stare making him lower his head angrily walking along the police with his hands cuffed. Rajan's Lawyer was also left defeated yet impressed with Shravan

Suman couldn't express her happiness ,she was so proud of him. Ramnath was in the court along with Mr.Berry who congratulated Shravan! After the court hearing she waited near the parking for him to congratulate him properly! But he got caught up finalizing some legal papers with Mr.Berry .

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