Chapter One

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We yearn for the beautiful, the unknown, and the mysterious.

Her breath softly left her numb lips, the fog type smoke that left her mouth evaporated just as quick as it appeared. Her fingers trembled as she waited for her friend to appear. It was currently 10:53 p.m., and her friend had yet to arrive. Their original plan was to meet up at Seoul's most known club, Déjà vu, before the clock striked 11. But as always, her friend was running late. With her trembling fingers, she pulled her mid-thigh dress down, loosely gripping the sides for comfort. It was the middle of February, not exactly short dress weather.
After a matter of minutes, she huffed, knowing her friend was going to be extremely late. Debating on whether or not it would be best for her, she entered the club. Relaxing when the hotness of the club hit her bare skin. Bodies were pressed together and the sound of music and laughter filled the air. She'd never been inside before and she suddenly regretted never visiting even though she had just celebrated her 21st birthday a few weeks ago. Reaching into the glittery clutch she had around her waist, she quickly unlocked it to view a message from her dearest friend,

sorry!! a little behind schedule!! be there in 20.

She smiled to herself, messaging back a quick okay before locking her phone and heading back towards the entrance.
Before too long, her close friends car pulled up and she stepped out. Her jaw hung low as her friend strutted towards her. EunJi looked perfect, her dress hugged her hips tightly and then flowed out in waves towards her knees.

SuBin smiled at her friend, "someone's looking for a little something, something tonight," she teased. Her friend rolled her eyes, playfully pushing her to the side. Snickering to herself, she looped arms with the taller girl, both heading inside the warm building.

EunJi smiled at her shorter friend, easily overcoming her and dragging her towards the bar. "Two Baijiu's, please," EunJi ordered, flirtatiously smiling at the bartender. SuBin knew what was about to happen and nervously she stood there, waiting with her friend. She'd never been drunk before but today was a different story, she was about to witness the most terrible hangover tomorrow morning. Her friend turned around, Baijiu's in each hand. "Here," she offered, stretching her left hand, forcing the drink into SuBin's hands.

SuBin glanced at her friend, quickly finishing the alcoholic beverage off. She grimaced at the taste of it, holding back a slight cough that stung at the back of her throat. "It's good, yeah!" Her friend laughed, signalling for another round.  SuBin laughed. She should've known it was EunJi's plan to get her drunk this night.


Within a matter of an hour, SuBin was stumbling over herself on the dance floor. Pressing herself against any man that was near her. Each gripped her hips as they swayed together before she moved onto the next victim of her disorderly dancing. Her friend was long gone, probably in a back room, smacking lips with whatever handsome stranger caught her eye. SuBin giggled as a pair of hands travelled up her waist. Her, being drunk out of her mind, felt as if someone was tickling her weakness spot.
She turned around, admiring the man before her. The purple and red lights danced around on his face, outlining the shape of his lips, his nose, his perfectly structured face. "Aw," she cooed, grabbing onto his cheeks and slightly pinching them, "you're so cute." She giggled at her words, drunkingly smiling up at the stranger.  He grabbed her hands from his face, bringing them down to her side, leaning in close, he whispered to her,

"Let's get out of here."

I haven't written in quite a few years but I'm feeling deathly confident with this Jackson Wang fan fiction.

Hello! Nice to see you here, reading the first chapter which I wrote at three o'clock in the morning because my brain was in a creative frenzy mode. I do hope you enjoy this, leave a little comment for me, tell me what you think. Much love.

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