Chapter Two

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Love begins with an image; lust with a sensation.

SuBin slowly awoke, rubbing her eyes from her slumber. She laid there, groggily staring up at the white ceiling. Her head ached terribly. She regretted drinking so much with EunJi, it didn't seem like a bad idea then though. She used her arms to sit upward, leaning against the soft pillows underneath her. She stopped, taking a look around.

This isn't my room.

She sat up quickly, pulling the blanket up to view if she remained in her dress. When she saw a overly large t-shirt attached to her, she gasped, clinging the the duvet. She looked around the bright room. This definitely wasn't her room.
A man walked out of the bathroom, towel loosely wrapped around his waist, towel in hand drying his brown hair. She stared up at the man with cautious eyes. Her mind was spinning trying to remember the night before.

"You're awake," the man spoke. His voice deeper than she expected. She tried to find the words to speak but couldn't due to the fact that she didn't know what to say. He looked at her, his brown eyes studying her. "How does your head feel? You drank a lot last night." He turned around, pulling clothes out of his dresser. "It feels fine," she lied, "how do you know I drank a lot?" He kept his back turned to her and continued to find an outfit for the day. She noticed that he had expensive clothing, hardly any thrift shop clothes like her. "Nobody dances like how you did when they drink very little," he walked to the closet, shutting the door behind him.
She uncovered herself, searching for her phone. Frantically, she searched through the blanket, seeing if she slept with it on her. She pushed her blonde hair behind her ear, sighing in defeat once she realized she didn't know where it is. The white shirt hung lowly, mid-thigh, same as her dress from the night before. She also realized that she didn't know where that was either. The man walked out of his closet to find her standing there, arms crossed. He raised his brow at her, studying her tense figure. "Your phone is on the nightstand, as for your dress, I had someone of mine take it for dry-cleaning. It should be back soon. Do you want something.. more efficient until it's back?" He asked, holding up a pair of grey sweatpants. She nodded slowly, walking towards the male. He outstretched his hand, handing over the pants. She stood there, studying the pants before slowly putting them. She didn't realize at first but her legs were bare. The shirt is all she had to cover herself with. She quickly pulled the pants up, shoving the shirt back down to cover herself.

"What's your name?" She asked, sitting across from the strange man. He stared at her for a second before parting his lips. "I'm Sunghyun. What's yours?" He licked his slightly chapped lips, running his fingers through his brown hair. "I'm SuBin. Why am I here?" She continued to question further. She wanted to go home, but didn't want to leave in his clothes. "You went home with me last night, don't you remember? I suggested to get out of the club and you obeyed. We went straight here and well, the rest is history." He smirked, laughing when her face went to shock.

After sitting there, questions flying through the air, SuBin looked at him. "When will I be able to go home?" She looked at the time, 2:47 p.m.. "Soon, let me ask when your dry-cleaning will arrive." He got up and walked out of the room. SuBin reached for her phone off the night stand, turning it on. She looked around the room once more, noticing how neatly everything is placed. Her phone lit up with about thirty messages from her close friend, most wondering where she had gone and if she was still alive. She laughed to herself, messaging back the worried girl.

I'm okay, I'm alive. I'll explain everything shortly.

She rolled her eyes playfully and awaited the man's return. While waiting, she began to try remembering the events of the night before. She remembered waiting out in the cold for her friend, entering the club with her friend, getting drinks. But after a few of the drinks, she hardly remembered any of it. I was dancing? How was I dancing? Why didn't EunJi stop me? Did I look like a fool? She asked herself, she bit her bottom lip in confusion.
In the doorway, Sunghyun watched the girl. He noticed how she kept sweeping her blonde hair behind her ear and how her brows arched more when she looked lost in thought. She amazed him, he was attracted to her even though he had just laid eyes on her the night before. He wasn't sure if he felt a type of love towards the girl, or lust.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2018 ⏰

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