scott reed ; loving like gold

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word count: 1080

authors note; this was inspired by a post i saw that literally melted me and i was like dude,, scott would do this. so yeah here

The day was a bit of a landmark for you.
It felt a little like The Twilight Zone. When you woke up this morning, the sunlight poured into your room and soaked into your skin, causing you to wake up in a blissful mood.

Your hair had been fixed into perfection without resisting. You had your favorite outfit on, and you'd be seeing your boyfriend for lunch.

Yes, the ever so dreamy Scott Reed. Somehow you'd swooned him into dating you, and the rest was history. Thinking of him caused butterflies to invade your inside, and a silly grin spread itself onto your face.

You had been dating for 8 months, now. So, why would you be feeling this way about him?

Last night is why. You'd lost your virginity to him, him to you. It was.. amazing. To you, it didn't seem like the normal teenage sex depicted in shows and movies. There was much more love than lust involved. Jolts of euphoria shot through your body when you thought about it.

The giddiness from when you had a crush on him was returning. Those times were difficult; before being lovers, you'd been best friends. For a couple weeks, every time you'd seen him your heart would beat incredibly fast. It had gotten so bad you'd gotten sick in the morning for a few days straight. Literal lovesickness.
After not being able to eat much for those days, you'd finally confessed to him when you were stargazing on the hood of your car; telling him what was happening to you and how exactly you felt, and that you didn't want to ruin your friendship.

You swore you saw hearts in his eyes as he poured his heart out back to you, gripping your hands in his. Thinking back, it was probably the most romantic thing to ever happen to you. Certainly to him, too, you knew he'd only had relationships that lasted a couple weeks at most.

Jumping into the relationship was surprisingly easy for the both of you. You, having commitment issues, didn't quite feel the pressure you had with other significant others, and was more than satisfied with the idea of settling down with him by 5 months in.

Scott's only reservation was that he didn't have experience in being romantic. He thought he would be extremely nervous as to if he was doing the right thing and being as romantic as possible, but it didn't pan out like that.

It was a very laid back relationship. Not much had changed from the adjust from best friends to boyfriend and girlfriend; you were just more affectionate.

So, the sex was mind-blowing. A side of each other you hadn't really seen. And ever since he had left last night, you were craving him again.

It was about time he'd be coming over. You'd set the table awhile ago and lunch was sitting in a basket on the table alongside two water bottles.

You were glad you were at the point that little gestures didn't have to be grand. A casual meal of sandwiches wasn't uncommon for you two.

The doorbell rang, and you rushed to it. You paused, inhaled and exhaled loudly, then opened the door.

Scott was standing there, looking godly as he always did. He was dressed in a tank top and sweatpants, but you couldn't stop marveling how great he looked. You would've dropped your pants right then and there if he wanted you to.

"H-hi babe," he stammered, blushing.

Your heart was thudding out of your chest at his bashfulness. "Hi, darling."

He shuffled inside when you opened the door wider, and waited for you to shut it before engulfing you and burying his head into the crook of your neck.

"I- uh- I love you, so so much," he murmured, pressing a light kiss on your skin. You could feel his cheeks; they were burning up.

"I love you too, Scotty," you giggled, rubbing his back. "You wanna eat..?"

He stood up properly and sheepishly rubbed his neck. "Listen, uh.. I think I'm going through that thing you did before we started dating.."

"You're lovesick?" you frowned, "That's cute, honey, but not that good."

"Yeah, but it'll blow over, I'm sure, just with time. I'll drink plenty of water, though! And it's the off-season so I won't be passing out."

"That's a relief. I just want my boy to be healthy, y'know?" you put a hand on his cheek and lightly brushed your thumb against it. He leaned into your touch with a little smile playing on his face.

"'course I understand, babe. I was scared when you told me you were going through that. You're my girl, and I care about you more than anything," he said, placing his hand on top of yours and stroking your knuckles.

You stared up at your lover, cheeks ablaze and eyes shining at his declaration. "B-babe," you giggled.

"What? It's true! In fact.. I wanted to give you something, to show you."

He sat you down on your couch, then crashed next to you.

"I've had this for awhile, and I wanted to wait for when I knew it was the right time, and after last night-" he paused, grinning and blushing again, "-I thought it was the perfect opportunity."

He pulled a little box, opening it to a necklace. It was his name, Scott, on a golden chain.

"I wanted to give you my first name, until you could have my last."

You swore he could hear your heart explode out of your chest.
"Oh my god, Scott!" you gasped.

"You're so fuckin' sweet- fuck, I don't even know what to say other than I love you so, so much," you murmured, pressing your lips against his.

After pulling away, he said, "Can.. can I put it on you?"

"Yeah! Of course, I want everyone to know who my boy is."

His face went a little darker at this, and he shifted behind you to put it around your neck and clasp it. Moving back to his original spot, a bright grin covered his face when he looked at his name on your body.

"It's perfect, Scotty. I love it, and I love you," you wrapped your arms around him, peppering kisses on him, eliciting little giggles.

This continued for the rest of the night- and lead to something a little more to show your love for each other.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2018 ⏰

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