Congrats Dad

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*Elizabeth's Pov*
So Anastasia and Dad are getting married today. Aunt Mia was helping me get ready. She did my hair and I finally let my bags come forward. No one has seen them besides my Dad and Aunt Mia.
"Are you sure you wanna show them?" She asked.
"Yeah" I said and she started to curl my hair.

I messed with my hair and Aunt Mia slapped my hand

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I messed with my hair and Aunt Mia slapped my hand.
"Ow shit Aunt Mia" I cursed.
"Don't touch your hair yet" she said.
"Fine" I groaned.
She turned me around and started my makeup then she did my nails.


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After she finished I got my shoes on and we went to the church

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After she finished I got my shoes on and we went to the church. I saw Dad and Anastasia at the front and I payed attention. They started their vows. After they finished it the preacher spoke.
"I now pronounce you man and wife" he said and Dad and Anastasia kissed.
I clapped along with everyone and it was the after party. I sat at a table and drank my coke. My phone vibrated making me slightly choke.
"Shit" I mumbled and got it out and checked it.

It was my friend Sarah from school

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It was my friend Sarah from school. I answered it.
"Sar I'm kinda busy right now" I said.
"You have to check the school news on your phone. It's about you" she said and hung up.
"What?" I asked myself and searched my name up.
"Elizabeth" I heard a voice and I jumped.
It was my Dad.
"Hey congrats Dad" I said.
"Thank you but will you be fine in the apartment by yourself while I'm on my honeymoon?" He asked and I nodded.
"Yup. And don't worry. I have Andrew (her security guard/driver)" I said.
"Alright. I love you and be safe and no boys" he said.
"I'm a teenager. I have needs Dad and one of those needs are boys" I said and when I said that Aunt Mia came to me.
"Come dance Beth" she said and dragged me to the dance floor.
"Wait first I have to use the bathroom" I said and went to the bathroom.
I opened my phone again and I pressed the article. It was about me and a guy named... aw shit. It's me and a guy from my school named Jacob Lee. He's a total dickwad. I growled in frustration then went to Andrew.
"Andrew can you take me home please" I said and he nodded.
"I'm going home" I said to Grandma.
"Alright. I'll have Elliot come check on you in a few days okay" she said and I nodded.
I hugged her and Grandpa then went with Andrew to the car. He opened the door for me and I got in and we drove home. Once we made it I went inside with Andrew following.
"Hey Andrew I'm going for a ride. By myself" I said and he nodded.
I went to my Dad's study and grabbed my black Lamborghini keys. I exited and grabbed my bag and phones and went to the garage. I went to my car and got in and left.

My phone rang and I put it through the radio

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My phone rang and I put it through the radio.
"Hello, this is Elizabeth Grey" I said.
"Elizabeth" oh shit.
"Dad hey um I went for a drive to clear my head about some shit from school. No big deal" I said.
"No big deal! You left the house!" He yelled and I parked my car.
"Yes because some guy at my school is talking shit about me and him fucking hooking up. So yeah I left to clear my head" I snapped.
"Go home now Elizabeth" he demanded and I just hung up on him.
I started the car again and drove off to my best guy friends house, Jason. Oh also he's my crush and he knows that. Once I made it I saw Jason outside with his jock friends. He stopped and saw my car just in time for him to get hit in the head with the football. I parked and got out leaving my bag but grabbed my keys and phone.
"Jace" I said and he looked at his friends then ran to me.
"Hey what's up?" He asked.
"What's up is what the fuck was on Twitter about me and Jacob Lee" I said and showed him the tweet.
"Fuck him. You need me right now" he said and I nodded.
"Come on" he said and brought me to the jocks.
"Guys I'll see you later" he said and they nodded.
"Looking good Elizabeth Grey" said Ryan Smith.
I flipped him off and me and Jason went inside. We went to his room and we stood.
"I need a distraction" I said.
"Done" he said and he grabbed my neck and pulled me close.
His lips touched mine and I instantly responded back.

I pulled us apart and smirked

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I pulled us apart and smirked.
"I know that face. Betty don't" he said and I pushed him on the bed and I laid next to him.
"I hate you" he said and I looked at him.
"No you don't. You love me" I said and he chuckled.
"True. Wanna finish what we started?" He asked.
"Definitely" I said and captured his lips to mine.
The next morning...
I woke up from my phone ringing and I groaned and grabbed it.
"Hello?" I asked.
"Elizabeth we need to talk. You didn't go home when told you too" Dad's voice boomed through the phone.
"Shit" I was wide awake and I saw I was in Jason's black shirt.
"Ok I'm going home now. What else do we need to talk about?" I asked getting up and getting dressed.
I woke up Jason and he saw me getting dressed.
"There was a break in at work. I need to talk to you about it with Miss. Bailey" he said.
"Okay. I'm about to leave. Bye" I said and hung up.
"What's going on?" He asked.
"My Dad called saying I didn't go home when he told me to and someone broke into his work. I have to get home to video chat with him and Miss. Bailey. I'm not giving this back to you" I said and he got up.
"Let me walk you out" he said and I nodded.

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