Chapter 3

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My alarm again blasted its sound into my sleepy brain. /yay another day/. Why couldn't life have a snooze button? A pause button, replay button, and rewind.

I leaned over and turned my alarm clock off, slowly lifting myself out of bed. "Tuesdaaaaaaaay. Why only Tuesday?" I asked, staring tiredly at my blank wall. As usual I got ready and walked to school, Ashley greeted me excitedly upon my arrival.

"Sooo, new boy!" Ashely asked eagerly.

"Yes, a new human has moved to our district, Ash, chill" I replied. I am not a morning person.

"Well, I will look for someone new today, I want him to feel comfortable here." She chirped.

"Ashely, if he's anything like me, you'll scare him away"

"Uh, rude."

"Well" I said as the bell rang, and parted ways with her.

I walked into my class, slowly dragging my feet. I really hadn't gotten much sleep last night, that boy, Jesse I think, kept running through my mind. Something about him kept me up. It's not like he's the first new person to come to a school.

"Today you will be taking the math portion of your exams" the teacher, Mrs. Simmons, began. I never liked her much, she was kind of snotty and sharp tongued.

She plopped the large packet in front of me carelessly, all most like she was punishing me. It's math... It /is/ punishment. Reluctantly, I started the test. Quadratic equations; never liked those. Fractions; not a big fan. 12 billion step equations, also hated. This was probably the worst Tuesday of my high school career.

Time crawled on antagonistically slow and I continuously broke my pencils led. Then I started sniffling /could this get any more difficult?/ I though. But then... It didn't... Nope nothing interesting, the school didn't catch on fire, my brain didn't explode, nobody puked. Just a boring, slow test.

Finally I finished with no victory dance, my mind was far too exhausted to even think of well, anything. The bell rang and in uniform everyone left, I proceeded to German. Then to lunch where I ate nothing, history where we also watched a movie, art as well, and English. The schedule was of course confusing due to tests and I walked into the wrong class in the wrong period a few times.

"Hey fag" I heard someone call behind me.

"Shut up" I replied.

"What did you just say? C'mon pussy, speak up."

"I said shut up!"

"Ooh, defensive, eh?"

"Ya know, just be quiet Tom." I said sharply.

"Giving me orders, freak?" He asked. "Haha, what does this guy think he's doing?" He turned to ask some other guys.

"Dunno, but I think he should know his place." A different boy answered. I slightly recognized the voice. Just another jackass.

I quickened my pace and fled down the stairs, desperate the get lost in the crowd and be on my way. I was so tired, my feet felt like they were 20 pounds.

"He's gettin away! Go! Run!" Tom called.

"Move! Move!" They yelled through the crowd of students.

/why me, why me? Why do they want me? I haven't done anything at all! They left me alone for 8 days and this is what I get for a break I guess./

I was jerked back quickly by my backpack, my biggest pet peeve. People behind me and touching my book bag UHG!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2014 ⏰

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