[ ☁️ ] sᴜɢᴀʀ

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[ ☁️ ] SUGAR

"how did you even get fired?" yona asked, concerned.

"because i gave him sugar when he wanted drugs," suga replied.

"whoops," yona said.

"i'm sorry," she apologized.

"no, i'm sorry," suga said. "i'm the one that stole your sugar, remember?" he chucked.

milliseconds have passed, seconds have passed, minutes have passed, hours have passed, days have passed, weeks have passed, months have passed, years have passed.

all of those times were spent by yona and suga, together.

they would talk about their lives, their friends, their family, themselves, basically, everything.

but like cliche fanfics,

they developed feelings for eachother.


"hey yona wanna play with us?" dora, boots, peppa,  and da wae asked.

"i'm sorry, i'm busy," yona replied. "don't worry i'll play with y'all next time," she smiled.

"okay, yona," they responded.

"yona, wanna watch movies with us?" lucas, ara, minhee, tori, soph, jae, hana and chowpao asked.

"i'm sorry, i'm busy," yona again, replied. "don't worry i'll watch movies with y'all next time," she smiled.

"okay, yona," the other group responded.

well, turns out that yona was busy cus she had a date with suga.


as soon an yona and suga reached their small home, jae and ara were standing in front of the door.

"guess who's getting married?!?!??" the two screamed together, smiling extra widely.

"who?" yona asked.
"both of you or both of us?" suga jokingly asked.

"stupid!" jae screamed as she threw an envelope to the two "and crazy," ara added.

after, jae and ara entered the house, leaving the two.

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