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Curiosity was burning under my minuscule paws. My little black nose twitched, as each and every scent filled through my nostrils.

I sat, watching my brothers and sisters in amusement. They flopped around like rag dolls, whining and yapping at the citizens passing by.

The sign above my head made loud noises as the wind blew it side to side. Although it remained in the same place, just where my humans had left it this morning.

It spelled out the word free, my pleasantly filled mind had no idea what this word meant.

All I knew, was as the day went on most of my brothers and sisters were lifted from the cardboard box.

Four, Three, now only two of us in the box. I began to worry, my floppy dark brown ears were up and alert for any sign of my human's return.

It began to get rather dark, and chilly. Me and the last pup huddled up together in the box. Awaiting for anyone to come and get us.

My left ear raised, hearing the click clack from a woman's high heels. My kin and I began to jump around in the box in excitement.

The strange lady seemed to have just looked at us and kept walking. My tail drooped in disappointment.

Just as I began walking to the back of the box, laughter from a child filled my ears. "Look mommy! It's a puppy!" The short human shouted pointing towards my kin.

Soon after, the young boy picked my kin up and cradled her within his arms. Shortly after, his mom came and grabbed his hand, taking him away.

Off they went, and I was left alone. I didn't mind the quiet that much, I rather enjoyed such a thing.

My teeny paws tucked under my belly as I began to wonder into a slumber.

The once soothing quiet then turned into something much more. It was cracky, and loud. I've never heard it before.

My snout pointed up to the sky in sheer confusion, soon a substance plopped onto my face. My once soft and fluffy fur was now more compressed and wet?

I began to raise onto my feet, tucking my tail in between my hind legs. There was water falling from the sky.

My diminutive puppy legs jiggled as the cracky noise erupted from the sky yet again.

The difference this time, was a short period of a bright light. Which seemed to have been traveling to the ground.

The water began to fall from the dark and cloudy sky much more rapidly and rough then before.

My fur was completely drenched. Mother Nature decided it was bath time for this puppy.

The box became droopy and slippery, the four corners began to tear apart. My claws clung to the bottom of the cardboard as I watched the box collapse around me.

I slipped off the ledge and on

to the ground below. I was cold, wet, and alone. Standing up, I looked down the empty street.

Looking just across the road, not even ten feat away. Was a tarp, covering a blanket. It looked as if someone had been living there.

My nose twitched again, followed by a sneeze with a force to send me backwards a bit.

I walked forward, just until I was at the curb as my shiny orbs studied the small hut across the street.

Sticking a paw out, my small body tumbled over and I landed flat onto the paved road.

I quickly recover myself, shaking my body releasing droplets of water into the air.

The sound of my treads on the pavement filled the road, as I strolled towards the hut.

My ears were up, listening for any small sound to come from the area. The only sound that erupted was loud and irritating, the honking of a car.

Oh wait, a car? My head spun towards the side before I was blinded by the shining headlights of a large truck.

I knew I was done, gone for good. This moment was my last. Instinct kicking in, my body curled into a furry wet ball.

Feeling a shivery breeze zip all around me, my eyes were clenched shut.

Everything was silent, only the sounds of rain surrounded me. I thought to myself in fury, was I dead?

I slowly jerked my head up, only seeing the red lights on the back of the truck. My eyes widened in amazement.

The truck drove right over me. I steadily lifted my body and jumped over to the hut, which was now right in front of me.

My ears fell and caressed my furry face. Shivers traveled down my spine as I entered the abandoned area.

Shaking off yet again, I kicked up the covers and crawled beneath the layers of blankets.

My eyes shut, as my mind wondered into the chilly night's ambience. I found myself now, in a deep and calm sleep.

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