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Datto's POV

Tweet tweet. Were the continuous sounds chirped from a close by bird. My eyes remained shut, however my ears were up and wondering.

My snout lifted my head into the air, attempting to follow a certain scent. My eyelids fluttered open, taking in the bright morning and all it's glory.

I stood on all fours before arching my curvature into an immense stretch, causing most of my bones to crack into movement.

The stretch quickly followed into a shake, causing my fur to shed slightly. The thud of my tail got so loud, I swear China heard it.

Twitching my left ear, followed with a wink of my right eye. My body sprung into action as I hopped out of the small hut.

Looking around, noticing all the humans. I decided to travel off on my own. Who needs a human anyway right?

Strutting down the sidewalk in satisfaction, my nose caught the scent of the wonderful aroma from earlier.

Soon after I found my small puppy embodiment running after the magnificent scent.

I stopped in my tracks noticing the one and only, hotdogs.

The man was rather big, and has ketchup and mustered all over his over sized white shirt.

Realizing what it was, my tongue hung from the crevices of my jaw. I was panting looking at the size of the delicious hotdog.

Puppy senses tingling, I trotted over to the man and looked at him. An idea popped into my small brain, and boy it was a good one.

I sat up on my hind legs, and hung my two front legs in front of me. Left ear flopped front wards. It was the cutest position one would ever see.

The man just kicked dirt in my direction and told me to beat it. Being large and menacing could help in this situation, in which I am not.

My ears dropped in defeat before the man stood and drove his foot right into my side. I found myself launch towards a mailbox.

Shortly after, my fragile body smacked the mailbox and tumbled to the pavement. I felt a weeping yelp escape through my muzzle.

I stood and looked around. Every human in sight was surrounding me, they were terrifying.

One even tried to reach down and pick me up, who knows what they want with me. I backed up bumping into another persons foot.

I could feel myself heating up with fear, as more and more human hands approached my minuscule body.

Thinking quickly I sprung away from everyone in sight.

My awkwardly large ears were down, as well as my fluffy tail. I was terrified, whimpering for my mommy. Even though she was no where to be found.

I saw a large hill nearby with a forest just behind it. A forest, such a nice and peaceful place.

Before thinking out the pros and cons, or even the dangers. My teeny legs began to drag me on over to the hill.

One foot after the other, my petite form grasped the grass. A few minutes past, almost feeling like death.

I turned my head to realize I haven't even made it half way. I shrugged and moved even faster.

About ten whole minutes went by before the bottom of my muzzle slapped down on the top of the hill.

There was a tight knotting sensation in my small legs. I quickly shrugged it off and looked forward. My jaw dropped in aw.

The trees were humongous, and it was dark and mysterious. How wonderful.

No more dreadful humans that's for sure. I thought to myself for a moment before completely stepping inside.

I slowly walked around, my mind was blank as I stared at different areas.

I saw a strange, silhouette in the distance. I was small and defenceless, yet my curiosity got the best of me.

I slowly approached it, at first it looked as if it was a bird. But this creature, or figure was much larger then some bird.

My small paws compressed the wet leaves and dirt beneath me. My tail was low, wagging steadily. My ears were up and forward.

I was in a ready stance for anything to come at me. Although reality just hit me, I'm as small as a branch.

Shrugging it off, this creature couldn't be that harmful right. Just as that thought raced through my mind.

Over and over, before I thought of my family. I could find them, have a home perhaps. My tail began to wag as the thought of my family continued.

Soon after realizing where I was, what these last two days were like. I frowned at the thought of 'family'.

My head lifted, and the creature was still facing in the opposite direction. Why haven't I run away yet? This 'thing' is already terrifying and I haven't even seen it's face.

No, you can do this, maybe it's friendly? I thought to myself, my little puppy nose continued to wiggle in excitement mixed with nervoustation.

I was about six feet away, when the crack of a stick erupted from under my paw. I looked down and grunted, as my head levelled upward once again, I saw the most terrifying sight.

It had a large beak, with large wings and even larger talons. It was a bird from hell that's for sure.

My head tilted sideways in confusion, the bird mimicked me doing the exact same action.

I raised my paw, expecting the large animal to do the same. Although it raised its wings upwards and made such a loud and high pitched screeching noise.

I felt a sharp object dig into my side, my hearing was all blurred. My vision began to blur as well.

Looking down to my side, my once fluffy black pelt was now a dark shade of red. What is this substance coming from my body?

I was confused as I felt myself lift into the air. Moments after I plummeted to the soft forest floor.

Rolling over to look up, the devil bird was being attacked, by yet another devil bird.

It was the last thing I remember before my vision completely turned blank.

Hi there everyone, heh. I'm excited to continue this book so please vote!! Incase you were wondering Datto, or the little puppy is a german shepherd. He looks like the puppy on the cover. With the or brown eye and one blue eye. Hehe, I hope you all enjoy:)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2014 ⏰

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