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     As a young pup, I was always told to help my pack; to make things correct against the Lupus order. Ever since I was young, I was always happy and agile. As the years passed, the pack pack has struggled. During no warmth members of our pack has passed. My friend passed, but she was just a pup. She couldn't reach higher than anyone else, and the prey was rare; really rare. I watched as many more passed, and I began to feel like fading. It seemed that the No Warmth Guardian was attacking me.
     My father was the alpha at the time, and my mom was his beta. They slept together and ate together. My mother always told me stories of house hold pets and how they were dishonoring their free ancestors; dishonoring the guardians. Of course, since our pack was dying off, we had brought a half dog in with us. He used to be a house pet, but then he said he ran away to learn more of the guardians. I was close to the half dog, but I couldn't really stay with him. By the time I was past 20 full moons I had to go and make my own pack. I couldn't handle that pack, there was too many deaths and I didn't want to be a part of the endless death cycle of that pack.
     So, I went off, finding many lone wolves who had left their packs. I gathered them all up, and soon, I had a whole pack by my side. Of course, I couldn't be alpha without a battle, so I jumped onto the highest rock and growled down at the wolves. "All of those who wish to be alpha, come forth and battle me!"
     No one stepped forth and I smiled when a male walked forward. "I, Snarl, wish to fight you, Strike, for leadership of this pack."
     I nodded, jumping down from the rock. I crouched, snarling at my opponent. Aim, a white, female wolf stepped forward, waiting for the others to quiet down. "Strike and Snarl. You will be battling for rightful leadership of this pack. There are no rules to the fight. When you fight, you fight until death. If someone surrenders, that will be the end of the battle. That WOULD be the only rule. Now, Strike, are you ready?"
     I nodded, staring into Snarl's eyes. He held promise and authority. I smirked, knowing that if I win, HE will be my beta. "Snarl, are you ready?"
     He nodded, and Aim barked for us to fight. He launched himself at me, and that was where my life would be changed forever.

Where the pack leads: A tale of Strike's packWhere stories live. Discover now