Our Feelings?

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Jimin's POV

"Jimin... *sneeze* *sneeze*" she wake me up
"Yes penguin?" I Said While sleepily
"C-can.. you *cough* g-get.. my.. *sneeze* clothes and *cough* I-im.. *sneeze* hungry" she said and I nod

*Ring! Ring!*

I go get my phone it's Ms. Kang
"Is mina ok now?" She ask
"No she still haves a sick but maybe tomorrow we will go to school" I Said

"Ok but you have two 3 more days to practice jimin" she said
"Yes will make the most of our time and we already pick what we will wear" I Said

"Good ok I need to go now take care" She Said
"Bye" and I hang up

I kiss her lips then I go get her clothes and I help her wear it then I take off my condom and I put it on the trash can and I go get my pants and brief and wear it so I go to the kitchen

I get a bowl and the bed tray table and a spoon so put the bowl and spoon on the bed tray table then I go get some glass of water and put it on the bed tray I go get the ingredients for the

Chicken soup after that I cook it then I get some soup and i go get the bowl and put the soup there after that I put the bowl of soup on the bed tray table and I carry the bed tray table

And I go to her I help her sit and I put in her front the bed tray table I use the spoon to get a spoon of soup
"Say ahhh my baby penguin" I said and she opens her mouth and she swallowed it

And I saw her licks her lips which make me on a little bit I then bit my lip
"Want more" I Ask and she nod

Minutes later...

I finish feeding my baby penguin
I gave her the water and the medicine then she swallowed the medicine and drink some water
Then she gives me the glass and I put it on the

Bed tray table and I carry it and I put it
On the table on the kitchen I go back to mina and I lay besides her our hands were touching I slowly holds it then suddenly she looks at me

With a What-The-Fudge-He-Is-Doing face made from author

"-___- don't say it's me jimin ill stop this book you want?" Author Said
"Ah! A niyo I'm sorry I want to meet Minari" I Said
"Ill continue now -___-" author said

I then kiss her hand and smile at her
"I love you" I try to tease her
"Oh really *sneeze* sorry but someone already stole my heart sorry" She Said sarcastically then she chuckle

I then pout cutely
"Yahhh so mean" I Said and cross my arms childishly
"Stop being *cough* cute pabo" She Said and pinch my cheeks

"I really love you" I try to tease her again
"Yahh stop your just *sneeze* lying stop trying to tease me cause *cough* it won't work" She Said While chuckling and hit my shoulder

I suddenly kiss her
"Stop *cough* kissing me your so addicted kissing *sneeze* *sniff* me" She said
"Because I love your lips and I want it badly"
I said with my sexy voice

"Your being horny again jiminie" I Said
"Your just turning me on more with your shorts" I said a bit my lips
"YAHHH!!! Stop being horny" she said and she cover her legs

"I was just teasing you" I said
"Well it's not teasing jimin" she said and roll her eyes
"Mina why so beautiful?" I try to tease her again

"Cause I was born with it" she said and giggle
"Why So Cute?" I try again
"Because I am cute" she said and chuckle
"Be mine?" I try again

"Sorry but no I already *cough* love two people" she said
"Why not me huh?" I Said and hug her
Then she looks at me our faces are close again and I can hear her breath

"Because your my enemy and I hate you and you take all my virginity *cough* and your now trying to *sneeze* steal my heart away from the one who I love so much and it's my childhood friend" she said

I pout
"I hate you to why could you be so mean when you are beautiful" I tease her
"Cause your the one *sneeze*who is mean first!" She Said

Then I do a sad face cutely
When she saw that her angry face turns into sad face and she looks away
"Sorry but it's just your so mean no one before have been mean to *cough* me and I hate it" She Said

"I don't hate you jimin it's just sometimes my feelings feels like something I already felt before but I cannot understand it why you I ask my self sometimes but I don't know" she said while with a sad tone

"I felt that to sometimes" I Said while I blush
"I'm just joking at you HAHAHA *cough* *cough* hahahaa " she said while laughing
"You got me good baby" I Said

"Stop calling me baby -__-" She Said
"Why would I bae,baby,babe?" I Said
She then bites my lips
"Shut up now you *cough* horny pervert mochi" She Said and pinch my cheeks

"Why did you call me mochi?" I Ask
"You look like a cute mochi and that's my dogs name hehe" she said
"You have a dog?" I Ask and she nod

"I have a cat and a dog I cal my cat Mr. Chibi and I call my dog Mr. Chimmy" I Said
"So cute names *cough* I kinda like the chimmy name" she said and smile

Then she goes on the top of my and she hugs me
"Why are you acting so nice now?" She ask
"I don't know" I Said And smile

"I want to know" she said and pout cutely
"Just don't make me mad I won't be so bad and I'm bad to people who I don't know and who hates me" I Said
"But why are Nice while I hate you?" She Said

"I really don't know to be honest" I Said
"Wait.. I hear no more coughs and sneeze" I Said and smile
"Ohh yeah!" She Said and smile

"Thanks So much without you my sick won't be cure" she said and hug me then suddenly kiss me
"No problem and thanks either" I Said and hug her back

"That's Nothing" She said and push me on the bed then she lay down to me facing me
"I like you as a enemy" I try to tease her
"I like you to" She Said


"Just kidding I still hate you" She Said and giggle I then hug her and I kiss her forehead
"Let's sleep now baby" I Said and she slaps my shoulder while her eyes are close

Then 2 minutes later

I can Her a cute snore and I saw her sleeping cutely and I saw her smiling so I quickly get my phone and take a video I hold my phone then I start filming

"How cute can she sleeps look so cute right" I close the camera to her
"She's my enemy haha sleeping in my chest so cute" I Said and then kiss her forehead

I then pinch her cheeks then I kiss her and I bite her lips she then opens her eyes slowly
"Yahh.. Stop it" she said sleepily and giggle
She then kiss me back and bites my lips then

Her tongue explore my mouth by corner by corner I'm still taking a video then I suddenly licks her tongue then I lick her lips I go deeper kissing her I then I swallowed her saliva same as her she do the same

We then stop kissing
"I like you" I said
"I like you to as my enemy" she said and kiss me one more time

"Sleep now jiminie pabo" She Said and she sleeps and snores cutely again
I then smile at the camera
"She So Cute" I Said
"Bye now if you saw this video probably I will kill your ass" I said then I stop the video

I kiss her forehead first after I sleep then I cover us with a blanket and I hug her then I start to sleep...

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