ch.4 ending his love..

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Isaac and I were doin great and as always inseparable. We loved eachother more than anyone could ever imagine. We'd kiss n feel so much love.

Then one day my parents find out I'm with him so they yell at me about it n deside to homeschool me. The next day I tell everyone it's my last day and they are all devastated... Im not the kinda girl ta cry but when my friend Aurora started my eyes filled with tears. It was actually a pretty fun last day though. I got ta skip every class except science to stay with friends in there classes. During the last period me and a few friends just walked all over school and we brought my friend Mason in the girls rest room. He kept sayin he wouldn't go in but I kissed his cheek and he gave in like a fool! hahaha It's okay. He's cute (wink,wink). My friend Sarah is soooo funny!! She made us all lauph so much because she kept twirling all over the place! Mason was just hiding in one of the stalls being really quiet and scared. Then Sarah went in the boys rest room n lifted her legg up standing n pretended ta pee like a dog! oh my gosh, a boy walked in and she was just like ,"Sup" with her legg still up.. I miss her so much!!!! It was to sad so I didn't really spend to much of the day with Isaac also cuz If I did I wouldn't have spent time with my friends...Anyways, after school we went to the buses n I got like a billion hugs! I fealt so loved. The ppl around me wouldn't leave though so it held up the other busses waiting for me ta get on. One of the buss drivers started yelling at them so I got on my bus and they started ta cuss her out and flip her off. I fealt bad for her but she should know better. Ha I mean cuz these kids look kinda threatening and don't listen to authority figures much. Blagh, I hated ta say bye.

Three months later me and Isaac were dating long distance but it got to hard for him and he ended it cause he believes I'm not worth the wait.... He didn't say that but I know him well enough to know thats what he meant. He actually said he's sorry and that we grew apart. It hurt so bad.. then a few days later he txt me ta say he doesn't have any romantic feelings for me. I know it seems like a dick move (I think so too!) but he was just letting me know so I don't wait for him or think that he still wants me... Then a week after he says he's with Sarah... Oh my fuck!!! I just don't see why he couldn't just leave me alone!? Ugh, I really hate that kid. Yeah, he's younger. only by a few months.. I wish I could but I will never truly get over him. Is it wrong to hate my self for that? Naw.... I loved and I lost.. That's just how life is untill u've been hurt so much that u finally find the one that will never let u go again. I get hurt so much because I believe that I've found my true love so easily. That's why I finally made a list of my perfect soul mate... It sounds lame but it's what works for me so yeah..Here it is.

I want a guy that will....

•ask me what's wrong and won't change the subject

•carry me to bed when I'm tired

•buy me something just bc he was thinking of me

•always be honest and let me know if he's upset

• surprise me

•cook for me and let me cook for him

•would sing for me

•never presure me but still challenge me

•have I love you fights

•fake lauph ta make me smile and lauph

•nice to me and everyone

•romantic and sweet

•preferably older than me like next to my age

•good sense of humor

•complements me

•I like clingy (don't think it's spelt rite)

•will let me lay on him

and I'm still workin on it. he doesn't have to meet all the above but that would be amazing!! if u meet these "expectations" comment ta let me know! Lol I just mean for fun and ta make me smile. It could be boys n girls.

I hope u enjoyed this compleatly true story<3



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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2014 ⏰

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