1. Blackwood Manor

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I was a sell out. A fake. A waste of space. A pathetic little....

A door opened to my left making me snap to attention in my uncomfortable, plastic, olive green chair.

A member of staff walked passed me, too engrossed in a file in their hands to even notice me.

The noise of their high heels clicked down the otherwise silent corridor until they walked through the door at the other end. The door closed with a thud and it was silent again.

I shifted uncomfortably in my seat, which gave off a creak of protest under my moving weight.

I glared down at the offending object, daring it to even think about collapsing. It wasn't like I was overweight; far from it. It was just that at 18, I was about 10 years too old to be sitting in it. It was just another symbol of the divide between me and them. I was sat on this shitty green excuse for a chair, while they would be sat on the best hand carved, Indian Oak chairs with velvet inlays and extra padding.

Ok, I didn't know if that was technically true, but I bet it was.

I ran my hand through my hair in frustration, then quickly cursed, remembering that I had used various products in it this morning to try to tame the mane that sat on top of my head.

I quickly patted it back down, then shrugged. Did it really matter what I looked like? Did it really matter that I had put on my best black pants and a freshly ironed white shirt today?

For goodness sake, it was only a job washing pots.

I let out a snort of laughter, just loud enough to echo lightly down the corridor. Being here reminded me of having to wait outside the headmaster's office at school, waiting to be told off. This building felt like a school, with it's high ceilings, endless corridors, and big black pipes from a heating system put in back in the days of black and white TV.

The door next to me suddenly opened and a rather timid looking girl shuffled out and bolted down the corridor.

My head snapped back to the door as a man in his late 50's craned his head round to look at me.

"I'll be with you in about 10 minutes Joel. I've just got to run a quick errand."

I nodded and flashed a quick smile as the door was closing behind him.

Now where was I.... A sell out. A coward. A hypocrite! Ooo, that's a good one.

A loud clatter at the end of the corridor grabbed my attention.

"Holy shit and crap and bollocks!" someone shouted clearly frustrated by something.

I felt a strong urge to go and see what was happening. I glanced around to make sure no one was looking. Slightly daft since I was obviously in an empty corridor, but it somehow felt necessary.

I slowly stood up and crept towards the double doors at the end of the corridor, where the noise came from.

There was no need to creep really, but the boredom of being sat on that god awful green chair for the last half an hour had made me crave some excitement and drama. So I crept with the stealth of a ninja, slowly towards the door.

I took another exaggerated look around before slowly opening the door an inch at a time before stealthily poking my head through the small gap to see...

....an empty corridor.

Oh, well that was a disappointment. I walked fully through the door and looked around. Maybe I should go for some fresh air, pass some time?

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