Chapter Three

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----------- Hey guys! I'm really happy with this story at the moment! Its great! So this chapter is dedicated to paislydot123 for commenting and making me quite happy with my story! Yaaay. For all you beliebers out there. Justin bieber is in my country soon! Whoo New Zealand. And even though I'm not a fan of JB (No Hate!) I guess i'm still excited for Selena.  But i'm more excited for Cher Lloyd and Hot Chella Rae .. Oh and not to mention ED SHEERAN!!! Oh my god whoo! Anyway on with the chapter! -----

Chapter 3

When tea was finished we all went to the living room to watch a movie. Peter wanted to watch Finding Nemo. After half an hour I excused myself to my room. I needed some time alone. I kicked off my shoes, put my music on and went to lay on my bed. I liked my room. It was big and wasn't to crowded with things. When you walked into my room, you'd see the window on the otherside. It was one of those cool ones that jutted out and had padding on it so you could sit there. My queen bed was up along the left wall (so my head was on the right wall) and the ceiling there went into a point. On the right wall it was covered in posters (Mostly 1D) Beside the door was my dresser with my mirror on it. and on the left wall was my wardrobe and my bathroom. My walls were a soft cream colour and everything else was purple. 

I was off in my own world when I heard my door opening a little bit. I turned and saw Sadie coming in. She sat on my bed and I turned down my music. 

"Are we going to meet them Lizzy?" She said pointing to my wall. I smiled a wee bit.

"Yes. Yes we are Sadie. Are you excited?"

"Yes! I want to meet Liam and have him give me a piggy back!"

I could see him doing that. "I'm sure he'd love to do that love"

"Yaay! Lizzy..." Sadie sounded upset..

"What's up Sade?"

"I heard mummy and aunty talking about how you weren't happy anymore.."

"... Thats right..."

"Why? You always seem happy when your with me.."

"Its hard to explain why, and its because I can't not be happy when your around Sade" I ruffeled her hair

"Hehehe" she giggled, but sobered up again "Lizzy..?"


"What are those shiny things?" She asked pointing to my wrists

"Oh.. Those, I um.. I did something that was very, very, very bad. And you should never do it, because it hurts and you should never hurt Sade" I was holding back tears

"I don't want my Lizzy hurting. Please don't hurt" I burst into tears then. All of a sudden I felt a pair of tiny hands grab mine and start stroking the back of my hand. I was crying for a bit and then gave her a hug. She kissed me on my forehead. 

"Please don't cry Lizzy, please smile" She said repeatedly until I stopped.

"Come here love" I said gesturing to myself. I gave her a huge hug and we snuggled under the covers.


***The next moring*** 

I woke up and Sadie was still there. Looking cute as ever. I stretched a bit and went to open my curtains. Trying not wake sadie I walked downstairs. Mum was sitting drinking her tea at the island in the kitchen.

"Morning mum" I said as I opened the fridge and got the orange juice and a cup.

"Morning hun. How are you feeling?"

"Yeah, alright I guess"

"Thats good. I guess you see Sade slept over" 

"Haha, yeah. Shes very cute"

"That she is. Now. I know that you'll want a new outfit for the soundcheck.. So how about after work I take you shopping for an outfit?"

"Sade can come right?"

"Yeah sure. Just ask your aunt"

"Okay, cool. I'm excited. I'll call her now"

I called my aunty and asked if Sadie could stay over for the next few days because the concert was a couple of nights away. She said yes, and I could pick up her suitcase later that day. Yaay.

"Muuuum! She said yes! And I'll go get her suitcase before you come back!"

"Okay! I'll see ya later then! I'm off to work now! Byee!"


Now. Lets go see if sleeping beauty is awake.

---- Okay, so I know its taking a bit for anything to happen! But it'll be worth it! Whoo. You know what to do. Vote, comment and fan. Maybe even get your friends to read it? Yaay. (: Okay, bye now! ------

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