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Thirteen years later...

25th of April 2040,
Santrock Academic Center, Gymnasium, 9:00 am

I glanced to the left and saw an enormous crowd of people sitting by the bleachers. A lot of families and friends have already given their greetings to the graduating students before the ceremony even started. It was hard to spot my parents, at first, but after squinting my eyes I asked Charity Dowe if she saw them. 'Sorry Aerith! I couldn't see Mr and Mrs Brown from here.' I started to look a bit pale, maybe because there are a lot of people today at the gymnasium. But I felt like the reason is different, I can't find my mom and dad.

'A, baby we're here!' I heard a distant voice that sounded a lot like my father. 'Aerith! Hey we're here...!' yet another familiar voice kept calling to me. My head was in circles, trying to find the direction of their voices. I came back where Charity was, and asked her the same question. She had a silly look on her face, giggling as she stares at me, pointing ninety degrees above the crowded bleachers. I couldnt help but smile when I found them. They were on the ninth row, waving at me all this time. "Sorry I got lost guys..." I approached them with a huge sigh of relief. 'It's no big deal, A!' Dad cheers me up, patting my head like a little kid. 'We are so glad that this day has come! Congratulations to you, our little Aerith...!' Mom was already in tears right before the march, joyous of the milestone I just achieved. After the small mischievous events, we all embraced each other, like a solid team who's ready to face new challenges.

'I sure hope I'm not interrupting something...' I glanced to my right and saw Grandpa Albert. "Oh papa, I'm glad you came to the ceremony...!" I was surprised that he came because he kept saying yesterday that he had a business to attend to. I ran to his arms, grasping tightly on his shirt. 'Did you really think that I wasn't going to your special day?' I frowned at the thought, realizing that he's messing with me.

'You really should fix the way you treat her, Al! If she starts hating you I can't do anything about it, alright?' Dad smacks a jab on my grumpy grandfather. The heat started boiling up between the two of them again, obligating mom to be the peacemaker. I shook my head in disbelief, but I can't help but laugh about it. They were always this silly and all that to make me happy. These guys always made my day, that's what I love about them...


The ceremony staffs started asking the graduates to file out of their seating row and head outside the gym. I have Dad accompanied me for the march. 'Well this day sure has come fast... I've got to embrace every last moment... It's your turn now, A.' I find his words hard to grasp, confusing me for the moment. "What do you mean, dad...?" I asked, but he didn't even spare a small glance to my direction, "It is up to you how you shape your future. There may be a lot of things that won't make sense but regardless of how great the obstacle may be, never give up... Always put to heart what your mother and I have always taught you!' Dad instead smiles out of nowhere. He always had his way of explaining things to me. His words always touch my heart as gentle as possible, like caressing a baby's cheeks. He was always proud of me, and all my life I believe I haven't let him down...

'And last but not the least, this batch's valedictorian, Aerith Brown and his father, Joseph!' Our long wait at the lectern was finally over as my name was announced. It was a bit nerve-wracking how everyone gave me a standing ovation, my heart and body felt as quiet as ever. We walked across the stage, shaking hands with the principal and the school faculty. I was smiling the whole time, joyous of this opportunity, but also because I never saw my dad this happy. It made my heart melt knowing that all my efforts didn't go to waste. As I made my way down the stage, my mind was drifting in thought. Dad escorted me to my seat, wearing a proud smile for his only daughter has graduated. Speaking of him, he was right after all. There are some things I still don't understand. I was deeply lost in my thoughts, that I almost didn't hear my teacher's instructions. Charity had accidentally bumped my shoulder bringing me back to reality.

'Are you alright, Aerith? The principal has been calling for you to come up the stage several times now...' she worries about me. I gather myself, stood up and the crowd began to clap. 'Let's give our valedictorian a round clap of applause!' The principal helped me on stage. Once again, I was in front of many people, but now standing at the pedestal. I immediately forgot all the hesitations I had and just had a quiet mind. The clapping slowly fades in the background while I closed my eyes and control my breathing.

"To the principal, the faculty staff, and my advisers..." I bowed my head in gratitude for the efforts they made to educate us all these years. "Today I stand in front of you for a reason. My hard work and perseverance have brought me here but I didn't do it alone. I had my classmates to accompany me, my best friend to support me, and my parents to love me. I have always doubted about the path I am taking today for I had made two significant steps. One that has crossed beyond the boundary of my youth, and the second was a step closer to reality. Both surely have scared me to death because it only made my journey unpredictable. It made me want to cry yet I couldn't..." I began to choke in my words and became so emotional. I couldn't let this end here because I have worked hard to thank everyone, but I can't gather my words together.

'You are doing wonderful, A!' a certain person stands up in the faceless crowd. It was my father.

'Continue, honey! We are so proud of you...!' mother followed up with a big cheer.

'Smile for us, our little angel! We're always here for you no matter what because that is what family's all about!' and then Grandpa Albert stands up even though he had it a little rough.

With the help of those important people, I would finish my speech in a satisfying way. The school's president and administrator congratulate me and proceed to concluding the program. All of the graduates, including me, tosses their hats into the air, hugged their friends for this may be the last time they could've and the ceremony was completed. After all was said and done, I was welcomed by my folks as I found them beside the entrance. I ran to my parents and embraced them as tight and passionate as I could.

"Thank you... dad... mom..."

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