Chapter two

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I take a look at Axel sipping on my   vegan  drink made  with spinach,carrot,banana,and some other things."so what is everyone doing for the big presentation? "? He asks.

"we are going up against some of the best dance school's in the country."

"i have some notes I call it practicing magic." I giggle.

"Sounds catchy." He smiles.

The principal introduces herself to me her strange blue eyes catch me."you need to gather you're group into the gym to practice remember  as the new headmistress you'll be teaching them everything so. I expect nothing but perfection!"

"Alright!" I shout.

"if you know hip hop,pop jazz or country throw it out the window  cause that's not what were doing I wanna see a spark i wanna see excitement i wanna see you light a fireworks I wanna see you blow the rooftops off that gym!"  I scream.

"Mile's bend your knees you know what just... just do this instead."

"I can't bend that far." He mumbles frightfully.

"Well, how about this exert your arms make them open like your rescuing a damsel in distress."

"Detrick your gonna try something new since you love girl's so much I'm going to put you  in a duet with Emily."

"I can't sing love songs!" He shouts.

"Have you ever tried?" I ask.

"Axel, as my partner There's  going to be some back up dancers  behind us 1..2...3...4." I smile.

"Miles  is doing the opening act with his partner."

"Wendy,  are you prepared?" I ask giving her  a set of notes.

"Yes." she smiles taking a photograph of the notes in her mind.

"How come Wendy doesn't need to do anything." they ask.

"she will."

"so what's next?" they ask.


"I don't think this is me ." Wendy asks.

"good cause it's going on Emily."

"and this is for detrick."

"Oh wow i like that." He smiles.

"Axel, this is for you."

"Oh no I don't do the Enrique  look."

"Don't you wanna see what i'm wearing?" I giggle.

"oh wow  is this for the final act?" He smiles.


"and these outfits are just  for the dance routine."

"How are the 3D effects coming Arnold ?" I ask.

"stream lights are working perfect and I got all background's working fine  but the water fountains are being tricky."

"Great!" I exclaim.

"alright everybody practice is over you  can head to lunch."

"I didn't know my body could do that." Detrick  smiles.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2019 ⏰

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