"The Potions Master"

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(yes, he is guy)

(not to be confused with Snape from Harry Potter, though if you did confuse them, I could totally see where it's coming from)

Initially this was going to be a very complicated piece with a backdrop of shelves full of potions and herbs to go with the character and title, but as you can obviously see, I gave up and went for some ominous fog instead.

Now that I am looking at all of my previous drawings, I'm pretty downhearted at how inconsistent they are. I don't even know anymore. I've also been feeling very unmotivated recently because of this thing that's been bothering me more than it should. For the longest time I've been meaning to start a webcomic, and this week, after I've binge-read "Stand Still. Stay Silent" by Minna Sundberg, I've been more determined than ever. So I was thinking of basing my webcomic on this book that I've been writing for the past two years (and that I have no chance of getting published given that it's a book in English written by a non-native English speaker - therefore I thought that I should at least do something useful with it), and all these digital drawings are character portraits for the webcomic. But after I've attempted to draw the first page of the prologue, the only thing I can say is that I have failed in a big way, and I have never imagined it to be so laborious. 

I don't even know why I'm telling all this. I guess I just needed to vent a little. 

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