Chapter One: Angel go Boom-boom

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"Noah, Noah, did you hear that?"

"Sorry, I missed it," I glanced down at the Batman symbol I had scrawled on my paper. "Could you repeat it?"

Mr. Johnson glared at me, clearly agitated. "We're going on a field trip," he explained slowly, "to The Museum of Holy Relics, comprende?"

My ears perked a little but I tried not to show it. After all, my dad was a pastor, so I found this stuff interesting, but I had to maintain my cool.

"Is that like The Bark of the Covenant and stuff?" I asked, attempting to recover from my earlier ear-perking. (Bad ear! Bad! Go to your kennel!)

"That would be The Ark of the Covenant Noah as you should well know. Your father is a pastor, as I recall," Mr. Johnson replied.

I just shrugged, looked down at my paper again, and started drawing some holy relics.

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"Now class," Mr. Johnson said, "What's special about this particular museum is that they claim to have the actual relics mentioned in the Bible."

I raised my hand. "What kind of relics do they have?" I asked eagerly, "Is it like Moses's staff and a piece of Noah's ark, or is it more like The Ark of the Covenant and The Ten Commandments?"

"That's the beauty of it, they have some of everything, even if some, maybe even all, are just models," he told me.

As we walked into the museum in downtown Chicago, a little ways away from my hometown of Ellivdrofro, I gaped at the grandness of it all. The columns at either end of the entryway held up the grand, overarching ceiling, providing an almost heavenly gate feel. Then there were the grand windows, which stretched along the entirety of the walls depicting biblical scenes such as: Noah (best name ever by the way,) aboard his boat looking at the twig that the dove had brought back to him, Joseph looking down at his brothers as they bowed before him, Joshua looking up at the sun as his troops fought the five kings while the hail rained down on the opposing troops, Moses kneeling before the Pharaoh pleading for his people's freedom, and even more beautiful designs.

As I looked at my surroundings, I realized that everyone had suddenly disappeared, how strange. I was pretty sure that they hadn't just moved on without me, surely someone would've noticed....right? Even the burly security guard had abandoned his post at the front desk. While I tried to figure out where everyone had disappeared to, a ball of heavenly white light appeared in the center of the room from which I heard an ah.... unique conversation going on within.

"Seriously?" one voice complained. "Why do I have to do it? I sent Mary her message all those years ago, why can't Michael go this time?

"Gabriel has a point." A second voice replied, "Michael, why don't you go?"

A new voice, Michael maybe, responded, "Okay I'll go, but I'd better get a boost in my allowance for this."

The orb began to rattle and shake. Suddenly from within it came the shape of a man. He was made of pure light as if he was made of pure contentedness. But what stood out to me the most was his wings. They were beautiful masterpieces with intricate, interlocking designs. But only for a second. After he magically appeared, he transformed into a lanky teen and looked accordingly annoyed.

"Okay so like, I'm Michael, and I'm supposed to tell you that there's like, a great evil in the world, and you should like build a bi-" He broke off as the ground began to shake.

I may or may not have screamed like a 4-year old as the entire entryway started to warp and change shape until I was standing in a new building similar to the old one, except here everything was blindingly white. Also (minor detail) the pictures in the windows moved. And talked.

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