Chapter 1: moving day

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"Finally! We get to leave this awful house" kira said to her brother. "Yes but shouldnt we say goodbye to mom and d-" "absolutely not!" Kaitlyn inturpted. "Why should we? Its not like they'd care anyway. They never did." She crossed her arms. "Shes got a point keith" kira said as she puts the final box in the moving truck. "Whatever, you guys always team up on me." "Ahaha dont get all pouty uncle keith" kat said as she poked out from behind one of the boxes. "What were you doing in there! We could've locked you in there and thought you went missing once we couldnt find you!" Kira said with a mad expression. "Sorry mommy" she replies as her fox ears drupe. "Just dont do something lile that again." "Ok mom"

They got into the truck and started to drive to their new home. The drive was long, quiet and boring. As they approached the new house kira got a bad feeling but she shook it off thinking she was just nervous. "We're here!" "Yay!" Kat jumps out of the car and ran inside. Kira giggles, "what am i gonna do with that child." They walk inside and the movers unload the boxes. "Wow, i could open a shop in this bottom floor!" Kira said. "Lets check out the upstairs, i call first pick on my room!" Kaitlyn said running up the stairs. "Oh no you dont!" Keith chases after her. Kira starts planning out the layout of her store when she hears a knock on the door. "Hm? Who could that be?" She walks over and opens the door. Kiras eyes widen once she sees whos standing there


Thank you for reading the first chapter of my story! Let me know in the comments if you liked it and tell me if i should make the next chapter soon. Bye guys! <3

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